Campaign of the Month

Segmentation and animation set the scene for a romantic Valentine’s Day email offer

Stoke Park created an irresistible Valentine’s Day email offer attracting a room revenue increase of 213%.

By using subscriber data and a simple email design, Stoke Park created an irresistible Valentine’s Day email offer attracting a room revenue increase of 213%.

Brand: Stoke Park
Designed and developed by: Nitesh Patel

Campaign details

Subject line: Luxurious Valentine’s Stay with Dinner – Book Now
Open: 23%
Click: 14% of opened
213% room revenue increase


What data was used?

A list of subscribers who had signed up to hear more about Stoke Park’s accommodation offers.


  • Promote Stoke Park’s Valentine’s Day offering
  • Generate bookings for this special package

What makes this a performing campaign?

As Valentine’s Day is a popular occasion for a short break, Stoke Park took advantage of the opportunity to create a special package for couples. This strategy could pay out for them in the long run as well, as once couples sample the luxurious estate and service for one night, they are more likely to come back and recommend it to their friends.

The Stoke Park team already use segmentation based on stated preferences from their subscribers to send relevant emails. So they put together a short and sweet email to promote the estate as the perfect location for a romantic getaway.

The email catered for mobile users with the use of the clever pre-header text ‘Ultimate 100 Best British Hotels – The Sunday Times’ which gives a strong recommendation from a renowned source, enticing readers to open. Mobile optimization also came in the form of:

  • a mobile-friendly template
  • an animated GIF showing different ways to enjoy a romantic atmosphere at Stoke Park
  • linking the phone number to a smartphone call action so that if it’s pressed on mobile, a call could automatically be made

The call-to-action button ‘Book Now’ is also clear and obviously differentiated from the rest of the email.

To make the most of the occasion, they also scheduled a re-send to non-openers just two days before Valentine’s Day with the subject line ‘Last minute Valentine’s stay?’. This helped capture couples who hadn’t yet made plans for the occasion.

The Results

This targeted approach worked well for Stoke Park. The subject line and pre-header combination generated a great 23% open-rate at a time of the year when inboxes are flooded with offers. The simple design, clear call-to-action and great use of animation to suggest a romantic atmosphere led to a 14% click-to-open rate.

What did this mean for the business? In terms of room booking, it translated to a room revenue increase of 213% and a room inventory increased of 300%. It also worked wonders in boosting their digital marketing with a 93% uplift in sessions on the website and a 105% increase in new user traffic.