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Toby Karten

Implementing the Common Core Standards for Students with Special Needs

Align K-12 standards to research-based instructional practices that respect learning differences. Learn ways of creatively connecting CCSS to students with and without IEPs who are instructed across the least restrictive environment (LRE) continuum.

Toby Karten has extensive experience with NYC schools as a teacher, instructional coach, and professional development provider. Her internationally best-selling books explore effective inclusion strategies that respect students’ diverse abilities, skills, and knowledge.

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Implementing the Common Core Standards for Students with Special Needs

Align K-12 standards to research-based instructional practices that respect learning difference. Learn ways to creatively connect the CCSS to students with and without IEPs who are instructed across the least restrictive environment (LRE) continuum.

The following are the objectives and key topics to be addressed in this professional development workshop:

Workshop Participant Outcomes

  1. Identify and apply evidence-based practices to achieve CCSS successes for staff and students.
  2. Learn how to organize school environments with specially designed instruction and UDL approaches that honor the diversity of students with and without IEPs instructed in inclusive classes
  3. Explore how staff achieves CCSS gains by implementing multi tiered instruction across the curriculum and grade levels to build academic and social capacities for individual learners and staff
  4. Link the CCSS to collaborative staff, student, and family roles for planning, instruction, and assessment.

Who is Toby Karten?

Toby Karten, a staff developer, instructional coach, educational consultant, author, adjunct professor and inclusion specialist, has taught populations of learners ranging from preschool to graduate level. Ms. Karten’s first publication, Inclusion Strategies That Work! Research-Based Methods for the Classroom, is an international bestseller, now in its third edition. Toby Karten has extensive experiences with NYC schools as a teacher, instructional coach, professional development provider, online course designer, and learner. She completed her undergraduate degree in special education from Brooklyn College and her graduate degree in special education from The College of Staten Island. She has worked across the city in all five boroughs and is delighted to collaborate with administrators, staff, students, and their families to achieve the rigorous and successful CCSS expectations and outcomes.

Throughout her professional career, Ms. Karten has helped staff translate the research into practical applications for PreK-12 classrooms. Ms. Karten has been recognized by the Council for Exceptional Children and the N.J. Dept. of Education as an exemplary educator, receiving two “Teacher of the Year” awards. Ms. Karten’s ongoing professional goal is to collaborate with school staff to help them effectively deliver the curriculum standards to students within their least restrictive environments, looking at inclusive placements as viable first options.

Registration Information

Registration Type

Early Bird
(prior to 30 days in advance)

School Teams
(3 or more)

Regular Registration

Cost (per session)


$179.00 per person
