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Best of the Ballparks, Grapefruit League Final Four

Spring Training 2017We’re down to the Final Four in our annual Best of the Ballparks competition in the Grapefruit League, where fans selected LECOM ParkJoker Marchant StadiumHammond Stadium and JetBlue Park to move on.

LECOM Park, last year’s fan favorite, was an easy winner over Ed Smith Stadium, 65%-35%. The other three brackets were closer: Joker Marchant Stadium over Steinbrenner Field (57.6%-42.4%), JetBlue Park over Spectrum Field (52.9%-47.1%), and Hammond Stadium over The Ballpark of the Palm Beaches (51.9%-48.1%). So you know what to do: vote!

Voting in the Final Four round ends Thursday morning at 7 a.m. ET.

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