Dry Weather Hits Cornfields in Southern Europe and China

Dry weather and excessive heat is affect corn yields in southern Europe as well as northeastern China


California and the Pacific Northwest are not the only agricultural areas suffering from a drought.

The USDA's World Agricultural Weather Highlights reports that excessive heat and dryness cut corn yield prospects from Spain and southern France into Italy and the Balkans in August.

The much drier- and warmer-than-normal weather appeared to be spreading into central and northern Europe. This trend was expected to accelerate "winter crop maturation and harvesting (for winter wheat) but reduc[e] soil moisture for upcoming winter crop planting."

Also, China got hit with uncharacteristically dry weather for much of July, the USDA report noted. "The dryness was most pronounced across northeastern China, where it coincided with corn progressing through the early stages of reproduction and likely reduced yields."

To access the monthly World Agricultural Weather Highlights, go to http://www.usda.gov/oce/weather/pubs/Weekly/Wwcb/index.htm.

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