Why Diversity and Inclusion Needs to Start with Tech Leadership

Why Diversity and Inclusion Needs to Start with Tech Leadership

Silicon Valley and the tech industry on a whole have a long-standing problem with diversity and inclusion. It’s an issue that’s often swept under the rug with many tech leaders simply claiming they hire the best, and if they happen to be male and white, that’s just how it is. Ironically, when the HBO show, Silicon Valley, cast a nearly all-male, mostly white cast it caused outrage. Surely the diversity problem in the real Silicon Valley is not that bad? Turns out, it’s worse. “The first season, we got a lot of flack — some of it deservedly so — about how male and white the makeup of the show was, but we’re also satirizing a real world,” says Executive Producer Alex Berg. “That real world, the people who do what our guys do, are 87% male. Venture capitalists at the partner level are 96% male and white, so the world we’re depicting is every bit as off-kilter as our show is.”

When asked whether the show should incorporate more women and minorities, Berg was unsure. He noted “that is an ongoing discussion; the world we’re depicting is f—ed up, but do we have the responsibility to make the gender and racial balance on our show ideal when the world we’re depicting isn’t?”

The show’s producers also received extreme criticism for depicting tech events with background audiences that weren’t considered realistic due to lack of diversity. Berg described a conversation with a female friend who had an issue with some of the shots in the show – like scenes from TechCrunch Disrupt. “She called me and said, ‘Let me tell you what’s wrong with your show: Those crowd shots were absurd, you didn’t put any women in there.’ And I had to tell her those are real shots from the real place and we didn’t frame women out.”

HBO might have been going the satire route when they greenlit a show about Silicon Valley, called “Silicon Valley,” but the visual depiction of a growing issue in the tech industry has struck a cord and has resulted in tech founders and leaders realizing they need to be the ones to come up with real solutions to how to bring diversity and inclusion to the tech industry.

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Adam Pisoni, founder of Abl Schools and Yammer, believes that diversity and inclusion needs to start with tech leadership at early-seed startups. He gives three reasons for starting diversity early on: breaking dynastic privilege, the founding team sets the culture, and diverse teams attract diverse groups of people.

Dynastic privilege isn’t just a tech industry concept, it happens in every industry, and basically gives privilege to people who have been involved in successful ventures. If you wanted to open a restaurant and already have been a co-founder of a wildly successful food truck, it would be a lot easier for you to convince investors to back your next project. It’s also the reason many of those involved in the film industry have friends or family in the film industry.

I believe dynastic privilege is one of the major contributors to the lack of diversity in tech. For example, I am a product of the “PayPal Mafia” dynasty. I co-founded Yammer with one of the original PayPal mafia members. Yammer had an easier time raising capital because of our PayPal connection. Because Yammer had a successful exit, I had an easier time raising capital for Abl. Other early Yammer employees were also able to use the story of Yammer’s success to convince investors to back their post-Yammer ventures. Employee 5 at Yammer had a much easier time raising capital than employee 50,” says Pisoni.

Since many tech founders are white males with professional networks of mostly other white males, it’s no surprise that early hires are lacking in the diversity department. Pisoni admits this is a challenge since it’s recommended to hire people you trust from your network vs strangers, however, if diversity doesn’t start from the founding team, it makes it more and more difficult to build a non-homogenous company culture down the line. Which brings up Pisoni’s next point: the founding team sets the culture.

Company culture is a big reason for employee turnover. In fact, it’s the number 4 reason for employee dissatisfaction as indicated by our yearly surveys. Although companies can try to artificially create company culture through activities, game rooms, and cool perks, the fact is that a homogenous founding team will create a culture ideal for those in that same bracket.

“That culture won’t be as self-aware of the lack of inclusion in the culture, but it will feel inclusive for everyone within the tight knit founding team. As new employees with different backgrounds join, they will be more likely to reject or be rejected from the culture than to add to it. While you may be celebrating how strong a culture and tight a team you have, you may also be unaware of the ways you’re actually reminding that new employee that they don’t belong,” says Pisoni.

Diversity and inclusion isn’t just about policies and hiring practices. When it comes down to it, it’s about every new hire feeling welcomed and included by their peers. This requires making sure that every employee in your company is equipped to be inclusive of peers from different backgrounds. It’s also about ensuring work and work-related activities don’t actively counteract any attempts at being inclusive. Saying you’re inclusive, then having weekly happy hours at the smoky bar down the street when several employees don’t drink, actively destroys any progress towards inclusion. Instead, having an after work happy hour at the bistro that serves snacks and a mix of alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages backs up words of inclusion with action.

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Being able to make people from all backgrounds feel welcome and supported will help companies continue to hire and retain other diverse talent. Pisoni makes the final point that diverse teams attract diverse groups of people. If you have a team of all white men, it’s going to be very hard to convince a woman or minority to join your company when there is no evidence of inclusion.

Pisoni adds that “this becomes a self-perpetuating problem: the longer companies wait to retrofit, the more difficult it becomes. Even if it is more difficult to hire a diverse team to begin with, the long-term benefits outweigh any short-term costs.”

What are the long-term benefits of a diverse team? McKinsey research indicates that public companies in the top quartile for racial and ethnic diversity are 35% more likely to have financial returns above national industry medians.

According to the report “More diverse companies, we believe, are better able to win top talent and improve their customer orientation, employee satisfaction, and decision making, and all that leads to a virtuous cycle of increasing return. This in turn suggests that other kinds of diversity—for example, in age, sexual orientation, and experience (such as a global mind-set and cultural fluency)—are also likely to bring some level of competitive advantage for companies that can attract and retain such diverse talent.”

It’s never too late for companies to embrace diversity and inclusion, and it’s clear the benefits outweigh any costs. With the higher returns that diversity is expected (and proving) to bring, the more tech leaders invest now in diversity and inclusion, the further they’ll pull ahead of their non-diverse competitors.

This article originally appeared at on the PROTECH website as part of a series for Tech Leadership.

If you enjoyed this, here's 10 things Silicon Valley (the show) teaches us about startups.

Elizabeth Becker is the Client Partner of IT Staffing Firm PROTECH, www.protechitjobs.com. Her expertise has been featured in a variety of publications including The Ladders, Recruiter.com, Monster, LinkedIn, Tech.co and more. You can reach her with comments, feedback or to be featured in an upcoming story at elizabethb@protechfl.com.

Eric S.



Proportional Representation There are a number of problems with how you define diversity. The only thing that diversity in the human world is needed is diversity of thought, on occasion. Consensus is needed most of the time. Diversity based on a physical trait is wrong and impossible. Taking the latter first it is impossible because we are all unique. We are all a member of a group of one with only ourselves in it. As an extreme example of impossible: If 0.01% of the population of the United States is left-handed, club-footed, black with blue eyes, 8 foot tall midgets, then in everyplace, every endeavor we must have 0.01% of these people in them. This is impossible. Even if women in the United States are 51% of the population then we must have 51% women everywhere? We must have 51% women in STEM jobs and Major League Baseball? This notion that we must have proportional representation everywhere may sound fair but it is arbitrary. We do not have it anywhere. Where in the NBA do we have short Hispanic men? If I am not mistaken the NFL mostly black. Should we call for more whites and Asian and Hispanics in the NFL? Must we have more midgets in the NBA? One of the characteristics of a good ethical theory is Practicability or the ability to put it into practice. Another way of saying this is to call it practical. Any unachievable goal is impractical therefore it is unethical. Another characteristic of a good ethical theory is Overridingness. Ethics overrides things such as aesthetics. This proportional representation has an aesthetic look of fairness. It looks balanced, therefore pleasing to the eye. Ethics take precedence over aesthetics and everything else for that matter including the law. Another characteristic of a good ethical theory is Universalizability. That is, an ability to apply it everywhere the same. An impossible goal cannot be applied everywhere the same. It cannot be applied at all. So, proportional representation is unethical. Another reason that it is wrong is as follows. Most adults say that if they had it to do all over again that they would pick a different profession. They are not happy in their jobs. Less than 25% graduate a 4-year college in 4 years and this due in part to changing majors in midstream. People do not even know that they’d be good at. To that end we have Myers-Briggs Personality test. It will tell you what your preferences are and what jobs this makes you suited for (most happy doing). This along with grade in school should tell you what to pursue in your adult life in order to be happiest. Any coercion from others is wrong. Any group or person saying that we need more of any group in any area is treating people as a means to an end and not as an end in themselves. We are treating people as something less than human and trying to control their lives. We are not treating people with respect and dignity. The Myers-Briggs Personality types that are in most STEM jobs are INTPs and INTJs. These are two of the least common personality types we have in the world. INTJs are about 75% men and 25% women, which is why we have 3 times more men in STEM than women. INTJ women account for about 0.8% of the world’s population. So, you want 50% STEM positions filled by women? INTPs are about 5:2 ratio of men to women. So, they are about the same ratio as INTJs. You want to have this impossible sense of balance and do not care if they are happy doing the job or not? On a more practical example: let’s say you want more blacks and Hispanics in STEM. Saying this means you prefer them to whites/Asians. But this preference is based on race therefore racist. You are saying that better outcomes would happen based on race. You are saying that race determines outcomes, hence by definition racist. You are also saying that all blacks think alike and differently than other races based on their race. Same can be said for Hispanics, whites and Asians, according to you. The same thing can be said for wanting more women. It is sexist. Quotas based on race or sex or age of people are wrong, period. Personality types may just think and act differently.

Hedda Peters

Principal Product Manager at Arkose Labs


Easy to solve in theory, but apparently very hard in practice. A crying shame.

Stephan Swafford

We help seniors, We help improve the lives of those we serve.


We are all diverse


What's the importance of diversity when they share similar spirituality or social direction ... Just superficial I conclude ....

Laura Hedger

Pilates and Fitness Instructor


You are absolutely right on!


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