In this day and age, people are finally twigging that vegans like tasty treats too. Not only can you now get vegan Baileys, but this autumn was made extra special with the launch of vegan Ben and Jerry's. That's all very well, we hear you cry, but what about the age-old winter staple of a steaming mug of hot chocolate and marshmallows?

Good news: Vegans can now warm themselves up in the same way as everyone else thanks to the lovely people at Sainsbury's. The supermarket is stocking vegan marshmallows and whipped cream. Hurrah!

Pink, Fawn, Paper product, Pattern, Paper, Toy, pinterest

First up, the little fluffballs. Priced at just £2 for a 75g bag, Freedom marshmallows are free from gelatine dairy, gluten and artificial flavours or colours. Plus, they come in both traditional white and pink, and vanilla flavour too. Having launched in store and online this week, the Freedom mallows are, quite frankly, a godsend to vegans everywhere.

Moving on, everyone knows a good hot chocolate needs marshmallows and cream, so behold the Hopla soy whipped cream spray can. Sainsbury's has actually been selling this in the Kosher aisle for a while and it'll set you back just £2.20.

Product, Food, Fruit, Strawberry juice, Drink, Juice, Ingredient, Soft drink, Snack, pinterest

A small price to pay for a warming winter staple, no? Vegans certainly think so. One tweeted: "Really need those new vegan marshmallows and hopla cream!" Another added: "Sainsburys are going to start selling vegan marshmallows and whipped cream, I can't wait to have luxury hot chocolates all winter."

We quite agree. Bravo, Sains.

Not all cocoa powder is vegan - so make sure you read the label before you buy! Or, head over to Amazon for this delicious organic cocoa powder.

Cinnamon, Food, Superfood, Cocoa solids, Muscovado, pinterest

£7.71, BUY NOW

h/t The Metro