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Dreams By Starlight

Book One

~ The Dreams Series ~

If the world’s a stage and each of us plays a part, then Camille Wright is the high school wallflower that nobody remembers and only the bullies ever knew was there.  However, her headlong dash to Princeton’s Aerospace Engineering program crashes to a heart-jarring halt when in order to “round out all those math classes,” she is unwillingly signed up for drama class.  Awkward, shy, and quiet, Camille struggles to stay part of the wall even under the bright lights. But sometimes where you want to be isn’t where you were destined to be at all…

Jaylon Patrick Quinn has been the star so long, not even he remembers when he wasn’t. Confident to the point of obnoxious, smooth to the point of disgusting, Jaylon has his high school peers enthralled. However, the fool’s gold of stardom and the glare of being one-half of the school’s star couple have made Jaylon begin to question if this is really how life is best lived.  Now he must decide which direction his future is headed and more importantly, if he really wants to go there at all.

When all that you can do is all that you must…

DREAMS BY STARLIGHT contains a strong message of looking past the outside to what’s in the heart. It deals with peer pressure and shows how snide comments can deeply wound another. It also shows how true friendship can help encourage and lift up someone in spite of the difficulties of life. — Vickie McDonough, Award-winning Barbour/Heartsong author

While reading DREAMS BY STARLIGHT, a mantle of hope wrapped itself around me, filling me with the desire to be myself, and to pursue my own hidden dreams. The whole time, I kept wishing it would have been mandatory reading when I was in school. It would have saved me a whole lot of aggravation knowing it was okay to be me—the me God created me to be. – Deb Ullrick, Heartsong and Love Inspired author


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About Staci Stallings

Staci Stallings shares her heart for God with her novels, articles, and conversations. She loves making new friends, writing, and playing piano and guitar.

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