Shia LaBeouf launches #TOUCHMYSOUL with Luke Turner and Nastja Sade Ronkko

Photo: Kevin Winter/Getty Images

In early November, Shia LaBeouf spent more than two days straight sitting in New York’s Angelika Film Center watching each and every one of his films for #ALLMYMOVIES, an event put on with frequent collaborators Luke Turner and Nastja Säde Rönkkö. Exactly a month later, the trio have debuted #TOUCHMYSOUL, an exhibit that revolves around them sitting in a Liverpool art gallery fielding calls from the public.

In typical LaBeouf fashion, the actor’s been hinting at #TOUCHMYSOUL via vague tweets: Since Nov. 30, he’s been tweeting “touch my soul” each day at the same time (he led up to #ALLMYMOVIES by tweeting lines from his films). Like #ALLMYMOVIES, the entire project — which runs from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. GMT for the next four days — will be broadcast live from a dedicated website.

Although the broadcast has no sound, the website does feature a PDF document with notes presumably written by LaBeouf, Turner, and Rönkkö as they answer phone calls. Judging by the notes, the three are transcribing what they hear on the phone: Highlights so far include, “love you so much.ooooh, oh my god *giggles*” and “we’ve gotta try touch his soul? How long do we have?”

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See #TOUCHMYSOUL in action here.

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