An after school program is helping girls foster an interest in science. 


30 middle schoolers with the Green Girls program learned about the city's water quality Friday in Long Island City.


Groups tested samples to assess dissolved oxygen, nitrogen, coliform bacteria and more. 


Students met in I.S. 204 to focus on water quality and pollution in New York City.


"In New York City, it's not exactly the greenest place, so by getting them to identify with the environment we do have, we're able to ensure that they'll work to protect it in the future." said  Kaari Casey, Program Manager, Green Girls Program


"I come here because New York is a really polluted place, and so you don't get a lot of nature here. And like, I really like the feeling of trees everywhere." said 7th grader Emily Richards


The free after school program is sponsored by the City Parks Foundation and provides free environmental education and leadership opportunities to middle school girls citywide.