Keep It Movin...

What's on your mind??   Wassup! I'm the Awesome Erin. This blog has stuff that grabs my attention, makes me think, gives me the giggles, or pisses me off. Take a guess as to which is what. I post about many things.

“  For more : YES-GAMER
I actually was doing well with the “driving like a sane person” but then the weirdest thing happened. I was just outside the city past Vinewood and I hit a bump. The car went flying. I wasn’t even driving fast. I...


    For more : YES-GAMER

    I actually was doing well with the “driving like a sane person” but then the weirdest thing happened. I was just outside the city past Vinewood and I hit a bump. The car went flying. I wasn’t even driving fast. I got about a full 15 seconds of hang time. It was amazing.

    (via sublimesonata)

    — 7 years ago with 394 notes
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      I actually was doing well with the “driving like a sane person” but then the weirdest thing happened. I was just outside...
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