There's a reason why kids love the playroom, but so many parents despise it: Somehow, no matter how often you pick it up, it's always a mess. If we just hit a nerve with you, try these tricks that people with neat playrooms do every day: 

1. They make picking up post-dinner a family affair. 

Including everyone helps kids gain instruction and encouragement from parents — plus, there's a better chance all the toys will actually end up in their proper place. "We sing silly clean-up songs that we make up on the fly or come up with funny stories about the toys," says Krista Miller, Executive Director of the non-profit Partners in Parenting in Austin. "It turns cleaning into less of a chore and more of bonding time."

2. They treat cleaning like it's the last game of the day. 

Try Savannah Williams from Mom Bliss' favorite game, Tornado: Just set a timer for 3 to 5 minutes — you don't want to drag it out or else kids will get bored — and tell them they're racing to finish before the tornado comes. "Kids have a wild imagination," Williams says. "Use it to your advantage."

3. They talk through the clean-up process as it's happening.

Saying things like "I'm putting the lids on these markers so they won't dry out" or "I'm putting the books on the shelf because it protects them when you're not reading them" teaches children the purpose behind cleaning up. "I admit, this narration is extremely tedious, but I've noticed my son incorporating words into his vocabulary like 'shelf' and 'cap,' so I know he's listening," says Erin Doland of Unclutterer.

4. They reward helpful behavior after it happens. 

Monica Higgins works with her daughter to pick up every night, providing gentle suggestions and guidance along the way. And as long as toys are off the floor, she gets a small reward: "She gets a quarter for her piggy bank for helping." This gives kids incentive to help next time, too — and opens the door for a money-saving lesson, too.

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5. They play a "clean up" song.

Music helps make just about any situation more fun, so why not cleaning up? Dollie Freeman, the blogger behind Teacher of Good Things, plays the same song from one of her kids' favorite TV shows every night because "All of my kids love the song!" You can choose any music you want, as long as it's something your children will look forward to.

6. They model a cheerful attitude — no matter what. 

Even if you had a bad day, your attitude is everything. "If your kids routinely hear you griping and complaining as you load the dishes into the dishwasher or sweep the floor, they will naturally think of cleaning up as a dreary activity to be avoided at all costs," Susan Stiffelman told The Huffington Post.

7. They put the toys to "sleep."

Because just like your little one needs rest, so do their toys, right? "Since my toddler does his clean up at night, we often say the different toys have to go to sleep too, and that they have certain places where they sleep," says Jenni Fischer, the blogger behind The Good Long Road. This helps create a natural end to a day of playing, and encourages kids to put their beloved pals back where they belong.

8. The next day, they lay down a mat before the toys come out. 

But not just any mat — a mat that turns into a bag. Kids sit on this soft piece of fabric as they play with their toy cars and LEGOs, then when they're done just pull the handles and it'll swiftly turn it into a bag that (get this) is already holding all of the toys. Use this template on All Free Sewing to make your own.

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9. When all else fails, they use a timer and do it themselves. 

Hey, sometimes you've gotta do what you've gotta do: "I take 10 to15 minutes each night after the kids have gone to bed and clean up their toys," explains Naeemah Ford Goldson, an organizing expert and mom to two boys, ages one and four. "In doing so, I can go to sleep with a clear mind and won't wake up to clutter."

Headshot of Lauren Smith McDonough
Lauren Smith McDonough
Senior Editor

Lauren is a senior editor at Hearst. She was previously the senior editor at and the home editor at and Her book club, ramen, and jean jackets are a few of her favorite things.