As I looked around the crowded waiting room ahead of an appointment with my doctor last week, I couldn't help but notice a familiar scene. People of all ages were hunched over in their seats, glued to their smartphones and oblivious to their surroundings.

The scenario isn't all that different from what inspired photographer Eric Pickersgill to create a project called Removed.

As explained on his website, Pickersgill was at a café in New York when he noticed a family that was completely disconnected from the real world. The father and two daughters each were affixed to their smartphones while the mother started out the window, seemingly sad and alone in the company of her family. The mom eventually gave in, pulled out her phone and dove into the digital world.

Pickersgill said he didn't snap a photo of the family but the image has been burned in his mind.

With Removed, Pickersgill has recreated the common moments we see every day in which people are interacting with mobile devices. For the series, he asked people to pose with their phones then he removed the phones and snapped the photo.

Most people wouldn't think twice when seeing someone on their phone while getting their hair cut, socializing with friends and yes, even driving. His collection really puts all of that into perspective and highlights just how disconnected we've all become.

Photos removed per photographer's request.