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E3 Gets A New Logo

The team behind the incredibly popular E3 trade show have revealed their snazzy new logo as preparations head towards E3 2018 which will take place next summer. You can check out the new logo below.




15 thoughts on “E3 Gets A New Logo”

  1. Nintendo First Order Commander Quadraxis

    ||When I found you…||

    ||I saw raw, untamed power…||

    ||And beyond that, something truly special…||

    ||Fulfill your destiny Nintendo…||

    1. Let’s just be pair. Every company to his job. We, Nintendo fans, want to see Nintendo doing a cool E3 just like this year.

      But it’s just to early. We are still in 2017.

    2. King Kalas X3 {I only buy exclusives that interest me on Switch. For everything else that interests me, there is PS4.}

      Thanks for your opinion, toxic as it may be, but some will disagree with you as some will say Sony won. Personally, I feel Sony won but Nintendo’s was decent enough. Probably would have been better if Doom, Wolfenstein, & plenty of other games that were announced some time AFTER E3 2017 were announced DURING the event. *shrug* Oh well.

  2. More than likely will be seeing Metroid Prime 4, Pokemon Switch and Fire Emblem Switch. 3 killer games and that’s only going to be the tip of the iceberg for what they give us.

    1. King Kalas X3 {I only buy exclusives that interest me on Switch. For everything else that interests me, there is PS4.}

      I hope so. My PS4 could use some competition for my attention. Right now, it’s kicking my Switch’s ass for that privilege.

  3. King Kalas X3 {I only buy exclusives that interest me on Switch. For everything else that interests me, there is PS4.}

    I hope E3 2018 will be better than E3 2017. The only thing Nintendo had that made me smile was that teaser for Metroid Prime 4. (There might have been one other thing but I don’t remember it.) Meanwhile, the PS4 showed me quite a few great games that I’m already gunning for for next year. Let’s go, Nintendo & Sony. Wow me next year (for Sony, wow me again) please!

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