The Hub Planner Scheduler now supports live scheduling updates. This means that if you have multiple people editing the same grid at the same time as you, you will have the fresh schedule data loaded into your view. This will prove to be advantageous to those with multiple planners, and when scrolling up and down and forward in time.

Live Planning Meetings

This feature will be particularly useful when it comes to discussing the planning between different offices. Instead of needing to refresh the page when changes are made, the changes will appear for you as they happen. This will allow people in different locations to work in harmony together and avoid scheduling conflicts.

Hub Planner Idle Time

Idle Time

We have also introduced a warning to users who are idle for a short time. Let’s say you go out to lunch and come back, we want to make sure you are viewing the latest scheduling information. A click of a button will allow you to continue and load all the latest data from your work colleagues.