The cultural differences between the UK and the US don't seem like much. But one American man's recent Facebook post, in which he describes his observations of Great Britain following a trip here, have made us realise there's probably more disparity than we first thought.

Scott Waters, a 66-year-old man from florida, recently returned from a holiday to England, visiting Cornwall, Leicestershire and Oxford while he was here. And it's no real surprise that his reflections have gone viral, because they're really funny.

Text, Line, Font, Screenshot, Number, pinterest

Hilariously describing Stonehenge, Scott writes, '5,000 years ago, someone arranged a lot of rocks all over, but no one is sure why' on the Facebook post that has been shared over 67,000 times.

Here are some more of his brilliant observations:

* Pants are called "trousers", underwear are "pants" and sweaters are "jumpers"
* People don't seem to be afraid of their neighbors or the government
* Their paper money makes sense, the coins don't
* The bathroom light is a string hanging from the ceiling
* "Fanny" is a naughty word, as is "shag"
* They eat with their forks upside down
* They don't seem to use facecloths or napkins or maybe they’re just less messy than we are
* Obama is considered a hero, Bush is considered an idiot
* They will boil anything
* If someone buys you a drink you must do the same
* Instead of turning the heat up, you put on a jumper
* Walking is the national pastime
* Cake is is pudding, ice cream is pudding, anything served for desert is pudding, even pudding

And as well as the funny ones, we could probably take notice of some of the more serious things he says, for both good and bad reasons. Such as:

* There are no guns
* Everyone enjoys a good joke
* Dogs are very well behaved and welcome everywhere
* The newspapers can be awful
* Very few people smoke, those who do often roll their own
* There are no guns
* You're defined by your accent
* Football is a religion, religion is a sport
* There are a lot of healthy old folks around participating in life instead of hiding at home watching tv
* If you're over 60, you get free tv and bus and rail passes.
* Their healthcare works, but they still bitch about it
* There are still no guns

Some of it makes you proud to be British, doesn't it? Let us know your thoughts @GHmagazine.