Seeking stories of the Kidzfield at Glastonbury

Can you help me find people whose lives have taken a different direction after going to the Kidzfield at the Glastonbury Festival?

I am doing some work for the Kidzfield organisers, and am looking for stories of the difference it has made over the 21 years since it was created (yes, it came of age last week).


Maybe you went to the Kidzfield as a child and unleashed a latent passion after trying out unicycling at Panic Circus, playing a recycled violin the Re:Play music tent, or making a fancy hat in the Makendoo tent.

Replay violins

Maybe you took your own son or daughter – or your grandchild or cousin – to the Kidzfield, and they nurtured their musicianship in a mobile recording studio or discovered a talent for making mosaics.

Maybe someone you know saw a show like the Flying Seagulls in the big top, and decided that a life treading the boards was for them.

Flying seagulls

Maybe you remember getting stuck into the action at Ringworld (run by leading playwork agency Meynell Games) or climbing the climbing wall, and realising you were more adventurous and courageous than you thought were.


Or maybe you simply noticed how engaged children are in the Kidzfield, and it changed the way you think about play, learning and education.

Re play drums
Whatever your story, if you have something to say about the difference the Kidzfield makes, please get in touch. Your stories may be included in a report that I am writing on the Kidzfield’s ethos, values and approach to play, learning and education. And if this post has stimulated your curiosity about this amazing institution, you can find out more on its website.

One final request: I would be very grateful if you could share this post with anyone you know who has ever been to the Glastonbury Festival – either as a child, or with a child. I have shared it via my facebook page and twitter (those are direct links to the relevant status update and tweet).

Photography credits: Dan Green. Not to be used without permission from the Kidzfield.

4 responses to “Seeking stories of the Kidzfield at Glastonbury

  1. Forwarded to friends that perform their regularly, interesting idea. I remember being awestruck by it as a newly qualified teacher back in the early 90s…. Gave me ideas to take back to the classroom!

  2. Have shared, will write more when I can get on a pc instead of a phone x

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