The Benefits of Job Fairs

By: Ashlee FB

Many students have heard a lot of buzz recently regarding the job fairs available for University of Minnesota students. The benefits of attending a job fair far outweigh the feelings we have all had the morning of the job fair when you don’t want to get up, get dressed, drive two and a half hours to the Twin Cities campus and mingle among fellow students searching for internships and full-time positions.

The benefits of attending job fairs are endless. I find the most attractive part of them is that they are an efficient and economical way to make contacts. In the world we live in today, it seems to be increasingly “who you know” that makes the difference when searching for employment, however, a professor of mine stated, “It’s not about who you know, it’s about who knows you.” The more you are able to network and make contacts, the better off you will be in your job search.

Another benefit found in attending a job fair is you have the opportunity to network with multiple organizations and recruiters in different fields who are actually hiring. This gets rid of a lot of guesswork in terms of knowing what companies are hiring and what they are looking for in potential applicants. When at a job fair students are swarmed with information, pamphlets, and brochures from different companies who decide to take part in the job fair. One tip I have for you is to take the time to read the information that you find in these brochures, as it provides a better outlook for you as a potential employee, and saves time later down the line when interviewing.

I also find it very beneficial that a student is able to talk directly to a company representative instead of just mailing in or submitting a resume online. We live in a world where electronic communication is becoming increasingly popular, however, interpersonal communication skills remain at the top of the lists for what employers are looking for in potential employees; what better way to demonstrate your interpersonal skills than to speak directly with employees of the organization?

Finally, making a contact within an organization is a huge advantage in participating in job fairs. Not only is it good to have contact information for potential questions in the future, but it also is very possible the people recruiting at job fairs might also be part of the interviewing team. In this case, it is crucial to have made a positive first impression, and if that is done successfully, the contact you have made will put you at a big advantage when the decision process rolls around.

I hope I have been convincing in my argument regarding why job fairs are so beneficial and I wish you all the best of luck in continuing your job search!

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