Exercising your feet can ease discomfort—and even prevent it. To target the three most common foot aches, try these three simple foot stretches from Pilates instructor Erika Bloom, who teaches Foot Fixers classes at her New York City studio. For best results, do each up to 3 times daily.

1. Toe Stretch

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Sit in chair, right leg crossed over left thigh. Interlace left fingers with right toes (as if holding hands with your foot). Squeeze fingers and toes together and hold for 10 seconds, then stretch wide for 10 seconds. Do 3 times with each foot.

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2. Arch Massager

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Stand with tennis ball directly under second toe of right foot. Slowly roll ball around sole of foot for 1 to 3 minutes; repeat with left foot. (Find more stretches and expert support to reach your walking goals in Walk Your Way To Better Health.)

MORE: 9 Highly Effective Solutions For Heel Pain

3. Heel Reliever

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Sit with right leg extended, left foot against right inner thigh. Bend forward and hook right thumb around pinky toe and left thumb around big toe (it's OK to bend knee), fingers wrapped around sole. Pull back with hands to flex foot and gently press thumbs away from each other to separate toes. Hold and massage bottom of foot with fingers for 30 seconds. Do twice with each foot.

Natalie Gingerich
Natalie Gingerich is freelance writer and former fitness editor for Prevention magazine.