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Zombie Apocalypse – well, it could happen – couldn’t it?

August 7, 2014

Bryan Johnson

Most homes have an emergency kit for when the power goes out, or bad storms hit. Basic kits include flashlight, batteries, radio, first-aid tools, candles and maybe some bottled water. If you are a Doomsday Prepper – you might even have an underground bunker!

Businesses aren’t often as prepared for disaster – yet having a solid emergency preparedness plan can be the difference between staying in business or shutting doors for good.

Here are some tips for making sure your business can survive the Zombie Apocalypse – or even the next big storm:

  • Prepare, Prepare, Prepare! The best way to avoid disaster is to try and prevent it – start with the obvious – theft and fire. Make sure your security systems, sprinklers, alarms and extinguishers are up to par.  Do routine internal audits of your financial records to insure employee theft isn’t happening.
  • Evacuation Plan This is especially important in disaster prone areas where hurricanes, tornadoes, wildfires and floods happen.  Again, don’t forget about fire or unfortunately a terrorist threat or a  crazy person entering  your office threatening your employees!  How will they all get out safely?  The Hartford Insurance suggests : Designate primary and secondary evacuation routes and exits for your employees. Make sure that routes and exits are well lit, clearly markediStock_000020858428Small and easily accessible. Create an evacuation plan in advance and designate an outside meeting place where everyone can gather and be accounted for as they evacuate. Include individuals in need of assistance in your emergency preparedness guide.
  • Be like a Mom – have your emergency contact numbers readily available!. Yes, the obvious – fire, ambulance and even FEMA. Don’t forget all of your client’s contact info, vendors, suppliers, haulers – anyone that you come in contact with that would be affected!
  • Be a doomsday prepper – have an emergency kit! We don’t think the Zombie Apocalypse is coming anytime soon, but pretend it is. Have a first aid kit, batteries, flashlight, bottled water –the same stuff you would have at home.
  • Where are your vital records? If they must remain on-site – keep them in a waterproof, fireproof, theft-proof safe. We strongly suggest having copies elsewhere – yes they won’t be originals but it is better than a pile of ashes.
  • Backup your stuff! This one always makes us nervous. We live in a digital world.  If your data was lost – what would you do?  Don’t forget one of the biggest threats now is Cyber Breach and Cyber Security! Cloud back up is best, but if you aren’t there yet, make sure your back up is kept OFF SITE!  If the building burns down having you back up in the owner’s bottom left hand drawer isn’t going to help
  • Know your insurance coverage This may seem like a shameless plug, but we are being very serious. Are you properly covered?  If your building burned down tomorrow – could you open up shop that afternoon elsewhere?  Could your business survive?  If you aren’t properly insured the answer will be no.  Lastly – make sure you keep your insurance agent’s information and your carrier’s claim phone number handy.  Report a loss immediately if you can – after everyone is safe.

Working closely with your Independent Insurance Agent at Founders Insurance Group, talking about your risk and understanding your situation will help protect your business against a really bad day at the office.  Give us a call  860-482-3506.


Bryan Johnson

P&C Operations Manager

Founders Insurance Group, Inc


One Comment leave one →
  1. March 23, 2016 3:27 pm

    hello, excellent site I’m a survival expert
    from Australia .

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