Dirty desk? 5 things to help you get organized at work

Credit: Sculpt, LLC

Credit: Sculpt, LLC

On National Clean Off Your Desk Day, we could all take a little time to get organized. But what if you’re chronically buried under paper, files and other items?

Here are five tips to help you get clean and stay clean as the new year gets going.

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1. We still need paper, so make a system to manage it. Set up files or baskets to help you organize what you need into buckets, like what you need to read, to do or to file. Get them organized by what needs your attention first and what can wait.

2. Stop putting many small notes all over your desk. A better system is in order. If you make a small note, great, but later enter it into a single notebook or organizing system to clean those smaller notes off of your desk.

3. Schedule time to clean out your files and notes. One time per week to move out the old material, remind yourself of important things to keep and organize your notes and files can make a big difference. Your items should have a place, and this one time per week can help get them home.

4. Clean off the dust and dirt. Regularly wipe your desk down with disinfectant or wipes. It will both help you feel cleaner and force you to organize the items on your desk to clean it.

5. Imagine the space on your desk is valuable real estate. Keep on it what needs to be on it. The things on your desk should be things you need on a daily basis, not things for future use. A better filing or organization system should be set up for those items.

Need more? Sources: forbes.com, smead.com, lifehack.org

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