This Video of Seniors Doing the Whip/Nae Nae Will Be the Best Thing You Watch All Day

Well here’s proof that everyone’s gettin’ down to Watch Me (Whip/Nae Nae) by Silento.

In the viral video above, seniors at The Residence Senior Living in San Juan, Puerto Rico, jam out in an impressive coordinated dance to the summer’s viral hit, breaking out the whip, bop, nae nae, and other moves. (You can’t miss the “stanky legg” at 0:45.)

The facility’s Facebook page identifies the group as The Residence Senior Dancers, and also features a video of staff members dancing to the hit song — plus, lots of photos of the residents enjoying barbecues and birthday parties. (Note to self: Retire in Puerto Rico.)

The performance isn’t just a bucket of fun — it’s also great exercise for the residents. Guidelines recommend that adults older than 65 get at least two hours and 30 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise, such as brisk walking, in total per week.

Want to follow along? Check out a tutorial on the video’s dances, then grab your grandparents and bust a move.

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