As many young kids are stuck sitting in a classroom for long periods of time, with very few social and scenery changes, these kids are bombarded with words from their teachers on how important reading is to their health. And with the current uptrend and growing studies in neuroscience, these grammar-nazi teachers are being validated by science. It’s a no-brainer, the more time you spend on cerebral activities, the better prepared your brain is to withstand the ravages of age. But reading does more than just make you smart.  Reading helps you socially, cognitively and academically. 

Yeah, it’s true, you can find these results and research studies all over the internet.  Your father, grandfather and your old 5th grade grammar teacher was correct, reading is, in fact, good for you.

Here are 7 benefits to reading:

  1. Reading can reduce stress up to 68% according to the University of Minnesota.
  2. Reading works better and faster than other relaxation methods such as listening to music or drinking tea, according the Canadian National Reading Campaign.
  3. Reading adds longevity to your health.
  4. Reading can slow cognitive decline, according to the well known journal, Neurology.
  5. Only reading news articles online has a downside in that it may add anxiety, stree, or reduce sleep.  Reading fiction however, will increase empathy, vocabulary, boost creativity, and increase happiness.
  6. Reading can improve sleep.  Digital media wreaks havoc on your sleep, read more books in print.
  7. Reading can enhance social skills.

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One response to “Here are 7 Benefits to Reading:”

  1. Love this content Willy!
    Reading is known to shape the way a person thinks about the world. It is one of the most effective ways to advance their thinking, keeping the mind as active as possible.
    You may also read my blog on Things You Can Learn from Reading Science Fiction
    Hope this will also help.


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