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Networking Doesn't Have To Be Intimidating

This article is more than 5 years old.

Think you don't like networking? You're not alone. The term “network,” when used as a verb, intimidates the heck out of even very successful people. Emily Merrell, founder and CEO of Six Degrees Society, wants to change that. Frustrated by the pitfalls of the networking resources available, she founded her own company to help foster connection through curated networking events and an online community where people can share ideas, resources and meet others.

Six Degrees Society was inspired by the need to create a non-judgmental, safe space where women aren’t defined by their looks, work experience or economic status, but rather by who they are. Beginning with New York City in 2014, the company has spread across the United States, now with ten chapters in major cities including Washington DC, San Francisco, Atlanta and Boston among others. Here, she talks about networking as part of self-care, building a supportive network and why we should think more broadly about networking to find the inspiration and connection we seek.

Jodee Debes Photography

Jess Cording: What has running your own business taught you about self-care?

Merrell: What is self-care? Just kidding! It’s taught me so much about listening to my body and respecting the signals. Being my own boss I found that I could always be working. I learned the importance of putting in a start and stop time to the day. I also book things into my calendar that will hold me accountable like a workout class, networking event or evening plans so I’m truly holding myself accountable.

Cording: Do you feel that building a supportive network is part of good self-care?

Merrell: A supportive network nurtures you in more ways than one. They are the ones that urge you to speed up or slow down. I’ve surrounded myself with a group of women and men that encourage me to be the best version of myself, and that also includes working out, drinking enough water and eating. They’re also the ones that remind me to sprinkle more fun and laughter into my life. It can’t be work 24/7.

Cording: What are some of your favorite foods and drinks for networking events?

Merrell: At the very first events I put together, I would spend a lot of time and energy on foods. I would prepare  whipped spreads and bake hors d’ oeuvres to offer variety. Yet at the end of the event I’d walk away with loads of uneaten food. To simplify, I typically stick to a cheese board with some easy grab and go snacks like dried fruit, pop-corn. For drinks, I love mini canned beverages or wine. Overall, I opt for mess free, bite sized options that guests can snack on as they go.

Jessica Cording Nutrition

Cording: Are there any pre-event rituals you have to help you feel like you’re showing up the way you want to?

Merrell: I make sure all important texts and emails are handled pre-event and set my phone on silent. If you’re prioritizing the buzz in your purse over an in-person connection you won’t be able to genuinely connect.

Cording: What would you tell someone who’s intimidated by the concept of networking?

Merrell: Be in control. There are so many people that are showing up to these events just as intimidated as you are. Be the first to make a move and be in control of who you meet. Additionally, networking is about relationship building, make yourself approachable and be cognisant of phone usage, body language and overall approachability. Lastly, gamify it to make it a bit more fun. Goal yourself to introduce yourself to one new person per speaker session, find out what someone does without asking them what they do and be present.

Cording: Aside from traditional networking events, what other places are good for networking?

Merrell: Every moment is a networking opportunity. From shared car services, workout classes, sports leagues, adult classes, the dog park,  and the playground (if you have kids) are just a few of the places where people can connect authentically. If you’re looking for like-minded individuals to connect with you’ll most likely meet them at places you can express shared values. Remember that networking is mutual relationship building, [and relationships] take time and need to be nurtured.


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