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2015 Healthy Teen Network Webinar Series

Title: Poverty Is Not Destiny and Pregnancy Is Not a Disease: Changing Our View of Adolescent Health
Date/Time: August 4, 2015- 3:00pm

The frame with which we view issues affecting teen health and well-being defines our language and informs our responses. When teen pregnancy is considered a disease that must be prevented, we think of interventions that affect individual behavior, and we think of teen pregnancy as an individual failure. This kind of thinking promotes a culture of blame. When we view pregnancy prevention as a social justice issue with public health ramifications, we look beyond individual prevention efforts to a more systemic response. Likewise, our view of poverty can often be that it is too big for us to address and that the condition of poverty is due to some lacking on the part of the individual. Both of these views will prevent a response at the level with which poverty and its effects can be mitigated.

What does it look like when we view ‘”teen pregnancy prevention” through a social justice lens? How do we move beyond the disease/prevention model which places blame? And how do we ensure that we remain inclusive, positive, and empowering? Join us while we take a more in-depth look to define, discuss, and explore what it means to employ a Youth 360° approach.

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