8 Easy Steps to Elevate Your Facebook Marketing

Everyone knows that Facebook is an AWESOME marketing tool, allowing you to reach an immense number of people in a relatively short amount of time. But, that doesn’t mean it’s easy.

In fact, marketing on Facebook has become increasingly difficult to perform, if you don’t have the right strategy!

So, we compiled a quick list of our favorite tactics that we use for our clients every day, and wanted to share them with you!

1. Use a Conversational Tone and Include Analysis

Facebook is a people-driven platform. Let your audience know there’s a person behind the posts by having the Page editor use a personal tone. Posts with a personal tone or clever language receive 120% above average engagement.

8 Easy Steps to Elevate Your Facebook Marketing

2. Start Conversations by Asking Questions and Responding

Posts that include a prompt for conversation or a question receive 70% above average engagement.

3. Share Stories Visually

Photos receive +50% likes than non-photo posts. Change your cover image frequently to tell your evolving story. In addition to standard images, graphics and comics can be very effective.

4. Reward Your Audience with Exclusive Content

Post “sneak peeks” or behind-the-scenes content that rewards your audience on Facebook.

5. Use Page Insights to Learn What Content Your Audience Cares Most About and Iterate

With Pages Insights, you can assess the performance of your Page, see which countries/cities like your Page the most, learn what content resonates with your audience, and optimize how you publish to your audience to grow your reach and engagement. View feedback (likes, reach and people talking about this) on each individual post to better understand what content your community finds most appealing. * To learn more, go to www.facebook.com/insights or click See All in the Insights section of your Page.

6. Enable Your Community to Participate Through Crowdsourcing Content and Commentary

Your community wants to be part of the conversation and content-creation process. Use your Page as a tool to crowd source commentary or reactions to news events, and feature the best user content on your website, on-air or by simply re-sharing their post on your Page. When asking your community for content, make the prompt clear and explain how the content may be used. If you use their content, follow-up with a reply thanking them for their commentary or post.

7. Vary Your Post Type – Users Don’t Engage the Same Way with Every Post

People want to see different types of content, so keep them on their toes. Pages that vary their post types see 9% higher engagement overall.

8. Optimize Your Page for Graph Search and Mobile

Ensure that your Page description is complete and up-to-date. While the majority of reader interaction with your content will occur in News Feed, pinning posts will ensure visitors to your Page will see the most important stories on both desktop and mobile.Now, take this and hit the ground running!

If you have ANY questions, please contact us today!