Alexander Peterhans's Reviews > Road Seven

Road Seven by Keith Rosson
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bookshelves: netgalley

"Okay, so.
A unicorn.
A unicorn on a pumpkin farm.
A unicorn on a pumpkin farm in a small, beleaguered, mostly forgotten island in the Atlantic.
It was like a shitty Mad Lib."

Hello! I'm not sure what I've been reading the last couple of weeks. I mean, I've been reading this book, of course, but having finished I'm not entirely sure what to make of it. I'm not even sure if I mean that positively or negatively.

On the surface it's a story about an anthroplogy dropout called Brian, taking a job to accompany a celebrity ufologist and xenobiologist to an island off Iceland, where someone has supposedly filmed a living and breathing unicorn.

And there is that story. There are also the stories of Brian's family, and of the xenobiologist's life before he meets Brian.

And I'm just wondering how it all ties together. Everything seems to have the same weight, the same sense of importance within the narrative.

The story does sort of go nuts towards the end, which I certainly appreciate. In fact, I'd have welcomed more insanity, if anything

Two important points: the book is beautifully written, with countless wonderful turns of phrase ("Sandoval’s guilt was like a nameless shape writhing in a canvas bag", "My head was a tuning fork for pain. I felt it in my teeth, my fingertips", "Here was our family’s love—somewhere between a caress and an elbow to the throat").

Secondly, the book is very funny. I laughed regularly, and I'm a tough customer regarding humour.

3.5 stars? 4 stars?

Now, while I dazedly strip naked and drift off into the woods, I leave you with this ..

"Remember how fragile the world is."

(Kindly received an ARC from Meerkat Press through NetGalley)
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