Weaving the Sash Survey
  • What is your age?
  • Are you a citizen of Toronto or the surrounding areas?
  • Do you self-identify as Métis? If the answer is yes, where is your heritage from?
  • In the box below, Please share your thoughts on what ‘Urban Métis’ means to you?
  • Have you participated in Metis cultural workshops before? If so, what kind of workshops?
  • What did you most enjoy about these workshops? What did you most dislike about these workshops?
  • What sorts of cultural activities are you most interested in learning about and participating in? (you can select more than one)
  • What sorts of things would you like to see come from this project? What are the important goals or outcomes we should have for this project?
  • What do you think are the best days/times for youth to attend cultural workshops?
  • Would you like to be a participant in Weaving the Sash? If so, Please provide your contact information below
  • If you were a participant, do you think you could attend all 4 Weaving the Sash events over the next year?
  • Please provide your contact information if you wish to receive information from the Toronto and York Region Metis Council (optional)
  • If you would like to be entered into the draw for a gift (Metis sash and spoons), please leave your email address in the box below: (optional)
Never share any password-related information in this survey

That's all, folks!

* End page and disqualification logic can only be seen in the live survey

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