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Help Your Loved Ones on the Other Side

Help Your Loved Ones on the Other Side


Many people seek the services of a medium because they want to know that their loved ones who have passed over are peacefully resting, surrounded by love and still very much alive. Receiving messages from a professional medium can ease the grieving process as well as provide insight as to how your loved ones who have crossed over are guiding and assisting you in your daily life.

Yet, you do not have to be a professional medium to communicate with loved ones on the other side. It is natural and normal to sense the presence of your loved ones, especially in difficult and challenging times. Perhaps you have experienced this yourself. For instance: Has the solution to a problem or concern suddenly popped up in your thoughts? When you need to make a decision, have you ever had a strong intuitive feeling that inspired you to choose the best outcome? Do you at times find that you are at the right place at the right time or have surprising good luck? These and other similar experiences are signs that you are being guided by an invisible presence. A loved on the other side is likely working diligently to assist and help you.

Although you may be aware of being guided by the loving presence of another in the spirit realm, you may not be aware of the extent to which you are able to help loved ones on the other side. You are more powerful than you may realize. Love transcends the boundaries of time and space. Your efforts here on earth impact those you love, both here in the physical world and in the beyond.

Here are three ways that you can assist your loved ones on the other side who have passed over.


3 Ways to Help Loved Ones on the Other Side

Helping Loved Ones on the Other Side #1 – Claim Victory over Challenges

One of the ways that our loved ones on the Other Side continue to heal and evolve is by drawing close to those of us in the physical world that are experiencing similar life lessons. When your loved ones in spirit review their earth lives, they become aware of the decisions and actions that they took while in the physical world that supported or sabotaged their soul growth and evolution. Inspired by the all-knowing awareness of the heavens, they begin to understand how they may have limited their ability to manifest and experience their highest good. This is where you come in. By watching and observing your positive efforts in confronting your day to day challenges and circumstances, healing your emotional wounds, developing your talents and skills, and your service and kindness to others, they have the opportunity to vicariously experience a new way through you. Through your personal choices, struggles and actions, those who have passed over are inspired, encouraged helped and healed. 

Helping Loved Ones on the Other Side #2 – Forgive

Let go of the past. Release and heal the wounds and the injustices done to you by those on the other side. Forgiveness frees you from the heavy chains of negativity. When you allow yourself to love another despite the wrongdoings that they have committed, you dissolve your karmic connection to him or her. Loving healing energy streams into your soul and you are free.

Our loved ones on the other side need our forgiveness. In a recent reading, a client’s father came forward from the spirit realm to thank his daughter for forgiving him. Her father told her that when she forgave him he allowed himself to experience and absorb the love that was all around him. He realized the harshness and meanness that he inflicted on her and he felt a deep repentance and sadness. He could not understand how he could have hurt such a beautiful soul. Her forgiveness humbled him and allowed him to heal.

When you forgive another who is on the other side you return to them their actions, thoughts and emotions. The energy goes back to its source. Those in spirit who you forgive are motivated to focus on the actions, beliefs and the choices that they made while in the physical world. What we do, we do to ourselves.

The degree to which you forgive another, you will accept forgiveness for yourself. Forgiveness magnifies the energy of authentic love and compassion and allows miracles into your life.


Helping Loved Ones on the Other Side #3 – Live Life to the Fullest

Embrace the goodness of life. Practice gratitude and generate positive energy. Not only does this create happiness in your own life, your enthusiasm inspires and creates a stronger bond with those loved ones on the other side.

Those who did not take advantage of opportunities in the physical realm, procrastinated or had a negative prospective, learn from your courage and positivity. Once in the spirit realm your loved ones become aware that they created what they experienced here on earth through their attitudes, thoughts and perception. Through the positive choices that you make that lead to happiness, they can experience the physical realm in a new way.

See Also

Joy and love is the energy of the other side. Your happiness dissolves the separation between you and those who you love who have passed over. Your loved ones on the other side may have left the earth without experiencing the joy that is possible here.

Embracing joy lifts you into the higher realms of love, beyond the confines of time and space. True connection with the other side is possible when you live in the pure presence of love.

Allow the veil that seems to separate the physical and spiritual realms to dissolve. We are one.

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