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Monoid Is an Open Source Font That's Perfect for Coders

When you’re writing code, picking the font you use is more about utility than beauty. Whether you’re an expert coder, or just starting out, this open source font is easy to read and easy to work with.

Monoid, designed by Andreas Larsen, is designed to be sleek and precise. Every single character in Monoid’s library has been designed by Larsen to be beyond easy to tell apart, so you don’t ever have to worry about confusing thetas, o’s, O’s, and 0’s (zeros). The font is also monospaced (each character takes up the same width), so it makes it easy to skim your code and spot any errors that might be fudging things up. The spacing between the characters is small, however, so you can fit as much as you need into a line of code. What makes Monoid even better is the fact that it’s alive. Since it’s an open source font, it can be adjusted and perfected over time by the very people that use it. You can check out Monoid at the link below.

Monoid Open Source Coding Font | Monoid via Fast Company