Open Enrollment is No Banjo Joke

Open Enrollment is No Banjo Joke

How is health plan open enrollment like hearing a banjo playing?
Everyone is relieved when it’s finally over.

Yes, it’s getting to be that time of year – open enrollment – when many businesses and individuals choose their health plan for the coming year. Starting November 1, folks can make any changes they want (within the limits of what’s available). That’s why it’s important for businesses and individuals to face the music – even if it sounds like a banjo twanging!

You can tune a banjo but how do you tuna fish?
By adjusting its scales . . . .

Your current health plan may be out of tune, like a dusty banjo. Sometimes we automatically do things the way we’ve always done them and don’t open our eyes to other possibilities. That’s not good when it comes to choosing a health plan. If you have new medical needs, additional family members, and other considerations, it is time for a tune up. You may even need to make a complete change . . . .

What’s the best way to tune a banjo?
With wire cutters.

Sometimes you need to take wire cutters to your current health plan – and open enrollment is the time to do that. Not all health plans are created equal. What worked for you in the past might no longer suit the needs of you and/or your family. On the other hand, are you – or your employees – happy with your doctors and providers? If so, then you might want to keep your current plan. Cost is not the only consideration.

Why do so many fishermen own banjos?
They make great anchors!

Small business owners should consult with a benefits broker about what plan is best for their organization’s employees. A qualified broker can help you review health plan options and decide if it’s time to toss your banjo . . .  errr . . . I mean health plan, overboard. In which case . . .

What should you do if you run over a banjo?
Back up.

My apologies for picking on banjo players, but the generally accepted pecking order is what it is – bagpipes, accordions, and lastly banjos. A banjo-playing WHA employee alerted me to all the banjo jokes out there! If you know any others, please contribute below.

Great article Garry!  What is the difference between a banjo and a Harley Davidson motorcycle?   You can tune a Harley.

Sy Neilson

Senior Director, Marketing and Communications


Nice article and good banjo jokes. -- The Friendly Competition

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