MV Stars Go Bananas!

Happy National Banana Day!

Apr 17 2019 6 comments 637

It has come to our attention here at ManyVids that many people throughout the world are shockingly uneducated about bananas. That is why we are so grateful for National Banana Day, which gives us the opportunity to bring awareness to the noble banana. 

You may be asking yourself why we or anyone should care about bananas at all, but here’s the truth: Bananas share 50% of their DNA with humans. They are our family. They deserve recognition and understanding. So, let’s set the record straight. Here are the top 10 most interesting facts about the banana: 

  1. They are the most popular fruit in the world. Hell yes, they are! It’s because they are so beautiful. Way to go, bananas! 

  2. Bananas are botanically classified as berries. Strawberries are not classified as berries. Up is down, black is white. 

  3. Only half of all bananas consumed are eaten at breakfast. The rest are eaten for dinner? Who knows. 

  4. The plant that banana fruits grow on is called a tree but is technically an herb. It is the world’s biggest and possibly mightiest herb.  

  5. In 2016, a man dressed as a banana ran a marathon and finished with a time of 2 hrs 47 mins. This is the world record for a marathon run by someone dressed as a fruit.  

  6. Bananas were the first fruits cultivated by humans and appeared in written history as early as 6th century BC.  

  7. Most of us peel a banana backwards. Respected banana experts ie. Monkeys peel them from the bottom up, which is easier to do and less likely to damage the fruit.  

  8. Bananas are just a lil’ bit radioactive.  

  9. If you want to find out more about bananas and their important place in history, you can visit the Banana Club Museum in California. It houses 17,000 banana-related artifacts.  

  10. Bananas come in more than one style. There are pink, fuzz-colored bananas, green-striped bananas with orange insides and bananas that taste like strawberries. We approve of this diverse and authentic self-expression.  

Thank you for taking the time to learn about bananas. We are delighted that our wonderful MV Stars pierrefitch, Iangreen, Pierce Paris and ManuelSkyexxx helped us in our banana campaign by shooting the sexy, banana-rific footage shown in the vid above*.

Enjoy, and Happy National Banana day! 

*No bananas were harmed in the making of this vid.  

My nickname is BananaBaby.. How did I miss this?!:fun_with_fruit:

PrincessAdele deleted Apr 2019

This is cute and hilarious because I actually harmed a banana in one of my clips here....oops

Love it


Arikajira Apr 2019

Awesome guys! :H:H:H:H

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