Thanks for entering the contest to win a free Life Lenses™ online assessment (valued at $60 US).

Simply answer the following questions and you'll be automatically entered to win.

This learning well moment is brought to you by Rock.Paper.Scissors Inc. - helping change makers learn, laugh & lead.


Question Title

* 1. Journey Life Lenses are all about the process, how things are get done. Sound familiar? Please give us an example.

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* 2. Destination Life Lenses are all about checking things off their lists, getting things done. They're very goal oriented. Sound like you? Please comment. Give us an example.

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* 3. Carrot Life Lenses love to create systems. They notice details that other miss. Carrot Life Lenses have an uncanny ability to focus. They don't like to leave things undone.

If this seems to fit you, tell us why you think you're a carrot. Give us an example or two. Tell us a short story.

Question Title

* 4. Mountain Life Lenses are great at being able to see over the horizon to see what's coming. Mountains recognize trends easily. They naturally find patterns in large amounts of information. Mountains are you great at starting projects. They are big vision kind of people.

If you think you're a Mountain Life Lens, tell us why. Give us an example. Tell us a short story.

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* 5. Stop lenses like to ponder, think, reflect. Sound like you? Tell us a story, give us an example.

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* 6. Go lenses are geared for action, they're always on the move. Let's try it, sure, go for it. Sound like you? Tell us a story, give us an example of how this resonates with you.

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* 7. Head lenses focus on information, theories, concepts, things that are tangible and objective. Sound like you? Tell us about it.

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* 8. Heart lenses rely on their gut, their intuition to guide them. Resonate with you? You're welcome to share an example.

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* 9. Please give us your contact information so we can let you know if you win a free Life Lenses assessment.

(If we don't have your contact information we won't be able to reach you if you win!).

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* 10. Please let us know the name and contact information of anyone else you think should know about the Life Lenses online assessment. Thanks in advance for helping to spread the word.