Reynolds, Sir Joshua (1723-1792)

Cupid Untying the Zone of Venus

Great Britain, 1788

This is an autograph version of Reynolds's famous picture of 1784, painted for Lord Carysfort (now Tate Gallery, London). Carysfort, who visited Russia on a number of occasions, asked the artist to make the copy as a gift for Prince Grigory Potyomkin. In this work of charming but sensuous intimacy - Reynolds originally suggested it should be called "Half Consenting" - the goddess of beauty and love, Venus, is a coquettish young woman, hiding her face from immodest glances with her arm. Mischievous Cupid is pulling at the end of the blue silk ribbon which encircles her waist, looking attentively up at his mother to watch her reaction. It is possible that the model for the original painting was Emma, Lady Hamilton, famous as the mistress of Lord Nelson.


Cupid Untying the Zone of Venus




oil on canvas


127,5x101 cm

Acquisition date:

Entered the Hermitage in 1792; previously in the collection of Prince G.A.Potemkin-Tavricheski in St Petersburg

Inventory Number:




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