My List of Top Ten Leadership Blogs

By My Web Writers

There is no way to overstate that the world of blogging is booming. Now more than ever, people from all over the world are connecting over topics of similar interest. Though the sheer volume of active blogs is staggering, there are still several blogs that have risen to the top of the stack. These blogs share insightful information that aim to help readers become strong leaders, expert marketers and successful business owners. Among these blogs are a list of my favorite Top Ten Leadership Blogs. Whether you’re already an avid follower or are just hearing these names for the first time, the following blogs are worth adding to your news feed right now!

1. Michael Hyatt

Michael Hyatt’s blog “Intentional Leadership” features topics that focus on just that – becoming a leader with intent and purpose. This blog covers a variety of categories including personal development, leadership and productivity and has been touted as “The blog to read” by many renowned sites.

2. The Happiness Project

Author, Gretchen Rubin has worked to build an extremely thought-provoking blog that encourages leaders of all types to think beyond the stagnant definition of success and to incorporate happiness into their life and their reasons for leading. This blog is an intimate look into Gretchen’s own experience of trying to create a happier life. This blog has a “feel good” element while still remaining useful.

3. Duct Tape Marketing

Duct Tape Marketing’s blog is fun, relatable and highly useful. The article topics you’ll find here focus on the core marketing techniques such as increasing engagement on your web site, key trends that will shape businesses, and even alternatives to power point presentations. For any small business owner or fellow blogger, this is a must-read.

4. Grow

Mark Schaefer is among the most acclaimed and accomplished marketing professionals in America. His blog “Grow” takes a fresh and smart look at technology-based marketing and cuts through all of noise to offer some clear cut advice. If you’re a writer or a blogger – or want to become one – this is a great resource to keep at your fingertips.

5. Serving Strong

Scott Couchenour is a life coach, ministry leader and author of an inspiring and uplifting leadership blog. The articles you’ll read here go beyond the peripheral topics about how to become a leader. They dig deeper into how leadership also provides an opportunity to serve others and find a greater calling for your work.

6. Sparksheet

The Sparksheet blog tags itself as “Good ideas about content, media and marketing” and that is a very direct and accurate representation of the valuable information each of its articles offer. Originally an award-winning multiplatform magazine, Sparksheet boils down its content into easily digestible tidbits of marketing information for its blog. Become a subscriber and you’ll stay on pulse of the different platforms brands use to get their content to the right people.

7. George Ambler

George Ambler has created a blog that is as versatile and ever-changing as the world we live in. The purpose of this blog is to prepare people to continue to lead even in times of rapid change. With technological advancements moving at the speed of light, this blog is a key resource to help you navigate the new landscape.

8. Management Craft

The Management Craft blog offers a wide variety of topics but with the same theme of better business management and leadership. The blog’s author, Lisa Haneberg finds everyday inspiration in the world around us and applies it toward a lesson to be learned or wisdom to be gained for the greater good.

9. Jon Acuff

Jon Acuff is a Wall Street Journal best-selling author of two books based upon spirituality and leadership. Specifically, Jon blogs about the next generation of leadership and how their views and values differ from older generations’.  It’s a truly remarkable concept that’s worth understanding whether you consider yourself a leader of the future or a leader of the past. Learning how to communicate with leaders like yourself and those who are drastically different can be a huge benefit for every career and industry.

10. Modern Servant Leader

This blog makes my list of Top Ten Leadership Blogs because of its focus on the hot topic of servant leadership. Much like the title implies, this blog takes a modern look at what exactly servant leadership is today and how we all has leaders can incorporate purpose and meaning into our journey.

Take the time this week or this month to check out these leadership blogs. While they cover similar topics, they offer unique expertise. Together they form a strong foundation of leadership, marketing and entrepreneurial knowledge that will better your day.


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