The Most Unique Facts About Left-Handed People

Published on February 8, 2018

Did you know that the overwhelming majority of people on the planet are right handed? That is right! Being left handed is just about one of the rarest traits that you can have about yourself, so be proud! With left handedness being such a rare trait there are a host of other little facts lurking about being a southpaw as well. We pulled together the most unique and curious facts regarding left handedness and left handed people!

Only 10% of the world is left handed, and we don’t know why.

If you are a left handed person then you have pretty much struck the lotto when it comes to hand dominance. The facts are pretty clear and pretty amazing: almost 90% of the world’s recorded population is considered right handed. Left handed folks are literally are a rarer type of person! So if you end up being left handed don’t take it as some sort of weird quirk, be loud and proud about it!

Only 10% of the world is left handed, and we don't know why

Only 10% of the world is left handed, and we don’t know why

Left handed people can transition to being right handed easier than vice versa.

Left handed folks happen to be the work horses of the hand-dominance world (has anyone ever said that before, I wonder) and the facts are out there. When a left handed person injures their hand they end up having an easier time when transitioning to their right hand. Right handed people, despite how common we are, have a much more difficult time transitioning to our left hand. We’re not sure the exact reason why this is.

Left handed people can transition to being right handed easier than vice versa

Left handed people can transition to being right handed easier than vice versa

If you are left handed you run an increased risk of alcoholism!

Left handed people, for all of the positives that we are going to list in this article, actually have a few negatives going for them as well. We aren’t talking about simple problems like issues working through the right weight loss tips, we are actually talking about a few sort of serious problems. Scientific studies show that left handed people are about three times as likely to end up becoming alcoholic! Studies show that the right side of the brain tends to be less tolerant to alcohol. Who knew? Along with alcohol issues you will also see lefties struggle with weight gain, thus sending them searching for the kind of lose weight programs that litter the internet.

If you are left handed you run an increased risk of alcoholism

If you are left handed you run an increased risk of alcoholism

Left handed people mature faster, literally!

On average the normal left handed person will reach puberty almost six months earlier than their right handed counterparts. There are a host of scientific studies and theories as to why this is but we aren’t really sure, at the end of the day. To put things into even more perspective, if you are left handed then you are also more likely to be a male. Is there a correlation between male puberty and left handedness?

Left handed people mature faster, literally

Left handed people mature faster, literally