Greyhound view short on facts

Gary Guccione

Carey Theil's June 20 column about greyhound racing, "Time for real change for greyhounds," was vintage Theil – long on fiction and short on facts. This is predictable; the facts don't help his organization, Grey2K USA, raise money. Both Theil and his wife, Christine Dorchak, rely on donated funds to pay their salaries and lobbying fees.

It is absurd to suggest that Florida greyhound breeders have a "sudden interest" in greyhound welfare. In fact, the greyhound racing industry formalized its ongoing commitment to greyhound welfare in 1987 with the creation of the American Greyhound Council. The AGC was formed as a joint effort of greyhound breeders and track operators across the nation to fund and manage an extensive array of greyhound welfare and industry education programs.

For instance, the AGC conducts unannounced inspections of breeding farms to verify compliance with industry standards for greyhound housing, nutrition, exercise, sanitation, health care and kennel management. Through the National Greyhound Association, the official registry for racing greyhounds, these rules are strictly enforced. Anyone found guilty of violating them is banned from racing for life, and other industry members are prohibited from doing business with the guilty parties.

The AGC funded the development and publication of "The Care of the Racing and Retired Greyhound," an internationally acclaimed textbook that has been recognized as the ultimate source of information on every aspect of greyhound health and care. The book was written by top veterinarians with extensive specialized expertise on the greyhound breed.

The AGC also funds and oversees greyhound adoption efforts for the racing community. Today more than 95 percent of all registered greyhounds are adopted or returned to the farm when they retire. Dozens of volunteer adoption groups throughout North America have worked constructively with greyhound racing to ensure that every adoptable racer finds a loving permanent home.

The bottom line is that the greyhound racing community was actively engaged in greyhound welfare improvements long before Grey2K came on the scene in 2001. Since then, Grey2K has done nothing but play politics with the lives of greyhounds and the future of the breed. This so-called greyhound welfare group should work constructively with greyhound racing to support adoption and other positive initiatives. We'd love to see that kind of "real change."

Gary Guccione is communications coordinator for the American Greyhound Council, Abilene, Kan.