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Trying Out for a Sports Team

Aug 03, 2020

Once you’re enrolled in a university, you may want to try out for an athletics team. You may have been playing the sport you’re interested in for a long time, or you may be a relative newcomer. With lots of practice and dedication, there’s a good chance you can play in a team sport at OU, either intramural or intercollegiate.

Here are some general steps to take.

  1. Choose your sport, depending on your best skills (running, throwing, kicking, etc.) and what you think is most fun.
  2. Learn the rules and practice. Try an hour a day at first, then add time.
  3. Get good equipment, if at all possible.
  4. Be prepared and show up at practice.
  5. When trying out, give 100 percent of your attention. Don’t be distracted by other students, your phone, etc. Stick to what you do well. Don’t try to impress by taking chances with things you don’t do well.
  6. Arrive early for tryout and warm up.
  7. Develop a hustle mentality, giving every move your all. A coach will notice.
  8. Avoid flashy street moves. These will not impress.
  9. Talk to the coach beforehand and stress how you really want to make the team. Ask the coach what he or she is looking for.
  10. Study the competition. Learn from them.
  11. It’s a team sport, so be supportive of your fellow players 100 percent. Always be ready to step up to the plate when it’s your turn.

There are no guarantees you’ll make the team, but if you give it everything you’ve got, you’ll improve your odds.