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Toronto's St. Lawrence Market Ranked #1 "Food Market" In The World

Our city's pride and joy!

If you've lived in Toronto for a while now, chances are you've been to the beloved St. Lawrence Market more than a few times already. It's a truly special place in Toronto that we're incredibly lucky to call our own. 

When you walk into the market you're overwhelmed by the amount of fresh, local vendors selling everything from meats to cheeses to fish to pasta! It's no surprise that this market is recognized across the nation but it may come as a surprise that it's been recognized across the entire world, too! 

The renowned National Geographic magazine dubbed Toronto's St. Lawrence Market the #1 food market in the world right in front of markets from New York City, St. Lucia, Brazil, Chile and more! 

Their top 10 list features stunning markets with lively environments and fresh, vibrant foods but still the St. Lawrence Market came out on top! 

Though they only wrote a short paragraph describing some of the great things about the St. Lawrence Market, we already know why it won the top spot. It was built back in 1803 and is a major part of the city's history. 

It's also not only a traditional market every day of the week, they also host a Farmer's Market on Saturdays, an Antique's Market on Sundays, and an abundance of restaurants serving delicious meals! It's also home to Canada's famous Peameal bacon sandwich.  

It's clear that St. Lawrence Market deserves the #1 spot on National Geographic's list and I don't know about you, but I'm heading down there this weekend to enjoy a piece of our city's rich history! 

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