P. A. Duncan

About the author

Please note that the four titles listed as "currently unavailable" in my list of publications are four short stories which were combined into the book, SPY FLASH II. Phyllis A. Duncan is a retired bureaucrat but one with an over-active imagination—at least that’s what everyone has told her since she first started making up stories in elementary school prompted by her weekly list of spelling words. A commercial pilot and former FAA safety official, she lives and writes in the beautiful Shenandoah Valley of Virginia. A graduate of Madison College (now James Madison University), she has degrees in history and political science. Her love of politics continues to this day. She is President Emeritus of the Virginia Writers Club, one of the oldest writer organizations in the country. Her debut novel, A WAR OF DECEPTION, won the 2017 New Apple Award for Excellence in Independent Publishing, "Best Historical Fiction." Her fiction has won or placed in numerous contests (including winning the VWC Golden Nib Award for 2016) and has appeared in numerous literary journals and anthologies. When not writing, reading, reviewing books, singing, rooting for the Yankees, or watching NASCAR, she takes delight in spoiling her grandchildren.

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