Hub Planner’s reporting is one of the most powerful and dynamic solutions for resource planning, and a core function customers rely on to generate and output data. Resource and Project Reports are generated based on the Scheduled and Timesheet data which you can additionally filter and group as you like.

We have been working on making our analytics even better, more efficient, and now the time has come! We have given the reports a huge boost and made our reporting performance faster, further optimized for all browsers and speeded up the visual loading states. All to make your reporting time-saving and smoother than ever.

So what can you expect from the newly boosted reports in practice?

  • An overall performance upgrade
  • Reports are up to 50% faster to generate
  • Inline feedback with new loader “Loading New Data”
  • Reports are optimised to work smarter with bigger data sets allowing you to query bigger date ranges
  • Time to load report templates has been reduced