
Disneyland Reanimates the Yeti on Its Matterhorn Ride


The Abominable Snowmen on the Matterhorn Bobsled ride were always a little bit cheesy, but effective in that they were loud and made dramatic entrances. For the 60th anniversary of Disneyland, however, attempts have been made to make them just a little bit more convincing.

It’s not just the animatronics that have been made more lifelike; using projected animation, there’s now also a convincing view of the Yeti in action through an ice wall before you find yourself face-to-face with him/her. Notably, the beast was nowhere to be seen in the movie that inspired the ride, Third Man on the Mountain – but with Disney never hesitant to milk every asset, you can bet your frosty balls it’ll be in the movie they eventually make based on the ride based on a different movie.

Now, if they can make the ride less likely to injure my knees and back, I’ll be even happier. Crap, I’m aging.