Workplace Wellness Strengthens an Organization's Culture and Employee Commitment

Workplace Wellness Strengthens an Organization's Culture and Employee Commitment

Western Health Advantage is fortunate to have a health and wellness manager, Alicia Lowe, to promote fitness and well-being among WHA members and employees.

Her wellness philosophy centers on inspiring and empowering others to achieve their health goals through a multi-faceted approach that includes the body, mind and spirit. She embraces the uniqueness of each individual and honors their desire to strive toward their wellness goals in a fulfilling manner. Alicia is passionate about helping others become champions of their health.

Alicia’s personal commitment has gotten many of our employees engaged in wellness. For example, she organized on-site yoga and strength-training classes held twice a week at WHA. These convenient classes are a partnership between WHA and its employees, which strengthens our organization's culture and employee commitment. Seeing co-workers work out makes colleagues realize they can do it too. Plus, the classes are fun – a key component of any wellness program and something that boosts morale.

WHA participates every year in National Walking Day in collaboration with the American Heart Association. It’s helpful to partner with reputable outside organizations for some wellness activities. WHA also introduces new wellness activities every year, such as a “Healthy Selfie” contest, a “Colorful Choices” online fruit and veggie challenge, healthy cooking demos, and a “Lifestyle and Weight Loss Challenge” this past spring.

Workplace wellness is defined in the Harvard Business Review as “an organized, employer-sponsored program that is designed to support employees (and, sometimes, their families) as they adopt and sustain behaviors that reduce health risks, improve quality of life, enhance personal effectiveness, and benefit the organization’s bottom line.”

Wellness programs are not a nice extra – they are a good investment in employee health. Healthy employees cost you less by having lower health care costs, being more productive and missing fewer days at work. Organizations with effective wellness programs also have lower employee turnover compared to other organizations.

As an HMO, WHA offers health plans and our emphasis on wellness at work jibes with our identity as a caring community partner.

Do you have a wellness program at your work place? If so, do you see it as beneficial?

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