Cooking with Mummy: Prairie Pancakes

Me and my sister, B2

Me and my sister, B2

B2 and I helped mummy make some prairie pancakes.  I remember when we read the Little House in the Big Woods that Ma made Laura and her sisters some pancake men.  I would have liked mummy to have done this, but I think she was a little preoccupied having two little people frying pancakes with her.  She forgot to take any pictures of me either.  She did get a couple of pictures of the pancakes we made, just before they were devoured.

This was the recipe we used (from the Little House Cook Book):

1/2 tsp of baking Soda

2 cups flour

1/2 tsp salt

2 cups buttermilk

1 egg (well beaten)

We mixed everything in a bowl.  We heated some oil and fried small ladles-full.  Mummy was also frying bacon and egg to go with it.  Once the pancake was done on one side we flipped them over and cooked the other side.  We ate them with an egg (not from our chickens) and some bacon.  We were allowed to pour some maple syrup over everything and it was yummy.



The next day T11 used the left over batter and made some sweet pancakes for desert.  He stewed some blackberries and served them with the pancakes with yogurt and maple syrup:

Sweet pancakes

Sweet pancakes

We had lots of fun in the kitchen with our mummy!

17 thoughts on “Cooking with Mummy: Prairie Pancakes

  1. They look super yummy. I wish I could try them. We have pancakes sometimes. I like pancakes.

    Do you want to be friends?

    Autumn, Reese’s sister who is 5.

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