Christopher R. Rice

creating Role-Playing Games and Fiction

  • 133 members
  • 1,255 posts

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Supporter (Basic - Gaming)
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As a basic supporter you get access to the following:

  • Access to all tier rewards including Patreon Specials, bundled content, and so on.

  • You get access to all polls of your tier.

  • Preferential “seating” if applying for any online or face to face game I run that you might apply to according to you patronage level.

  • Discord access 
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Supporter (Basic - Fiction)
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This tier gives access to the fiction content and no roleplaying content. If you want access to both choose the Supporter (Intermediate) level or higher.

  • Discord access 
Supporter (Intermediate)
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Supporter (Advanced)
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  • Access to all Supporter (Advanced) and lower tier rewards including Patreon Specials, bundled content, and so on.

  • You get access to all polls.

  • Preferential “seating” if applying for any online or face to face game I run that you might apply to according to you patronage level.

  • You may request up to two Patreon Specials of choice a month as long as you have been a patron in good standing for at least nine months.

  • Discord access 
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Christopher R. Rice

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