What’s So Great About A Data Collection Solution?

Honeywell-Xenon-1900Barcode scanners provide an efficient, easy-to-use data collection solution for all sorts of industries. From healthcare to retail, companies are discovering the numerous benefits of implementing a barcoding solution.  Here’s just one example:

Imagine that you work for one of the largest food distributors in the nation. You are at your monthly corporate meeting and have just been informed that costs have been increasing steadily due to human error, excess inventory, faulty machinery, and more. The “head honcho” of the company demands the implementation of a new process to turn things around. The CEO has a hunch that barcodes are the answer and assigns you to lead a research team to learn more about barcode technology.

Luckily, you’ve discovered this blog and can confirm that the CEO is correct! Here are the top five reasons to report back as to why the implementation of barcode and barcodes scanners is the best solution:

  1. Lean Operations- Lean operations go hand-in-hand with increased productivity.  Barcodes and barcode scanners save valuable time since information is electronically transmitted.  No more lengthy hand-written orders or product information. No more manual errors. Instead, operations are structured and efficient.
  2.  Consolidated Information­- Comprehensive data is embedded into a barcode that is small enough to fit in the palm of your hand!  In this example, food codes can now be stored in a barcoded tag. With a quick scan, a wealth of information is immediately available, such as when and where it will be delivered, expiration dates, and Food and Drug Administration mandated information.
  3.  Inventory Management- Barcodes help organizations keep track of inventory. Distribution, equipment, ingredients, and more can all be ordered as needed, instead of increasing capacity, which costs more money.  All an employee needs to do in order to determine if stock is low is to scan the barcode….Violà!
  4.  Simplified Logistics- Barcodes simplify the process of transportation and logistics, as food is monitored from when it is loaded on the truck to the end-delivery location. You can also “see” pickup sequences, so that your company knows where each delivery has been.
  5. Increased ROI­- Looking back at the first four advantages of barcode implementation, it is pretty obvious that there is bound to be increased productivity and efficiency, as well as decreased human error. Plus, with less excess inventory sitting on the shelves, your company’s return on investment is ultimately going to be positive!

Although this particular example detailed the pros of implementing a barcoding solution in the food industry, it holds true that almost any organization can benefit from barcodes and barcode scanners. If you are interested in accomplishing more in a shorter amount of time and standardizing your organization’s operations, Honeywell Scanning and Mobility is a company that specializes in developing and manufacturing top-notch barcode scanners that are well-worth exploring. Honeywell’s diversified product portfolio caters to virtually any industry, and provides high quality scanners for businesses both large and small.

And in the meantime? Best of luck reporting your findings back to the CEO!