Puff Daddy & Byung-Hun Lee star in Rush Hour 4: Face/Off 2

Photo: Funny or Die

The next Rush Hour sequel is going to a place the series has dared visted before: an entirely different film franchise.

Following a billboard campaign in Los Angeles, BeFunny Studios has put together a trailer for Rush Hour 4: Face/Off 2, which combines two great premises for one ridiculous result. Of course, with all of those franchise’s big stars (Chris Tucker, Jackie Chan, John Travolta and Nicolas Cage) likely busy—or just too confused by the premise—Sean “Puff Daddy” Combs and Byung-Hun Lee (Terminator: Genysis) star as agents Carter and Lee in this version. The pair’s latest mission requires each to switch faces, because… well, no one’s really sure why.

Watch the spoof trailer below to see the two actors walk a mile in each other’s faces, even if it’ll make a sequel to either film franchise (or a TV adaptation) seem too simple by comparison.

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