Polarization in the U.S. Catholic Church: Naming the Wounds, Beginning to Heal


Hosted by The University of Notre Dame and The Center for the Study of Religion and Society on Monday, April 27, 2015.

It is no secret: the body of Christ in the United States is broken. Division and disunity prevail. Effects of this brokenness are by now familiar, especially at a place like Notre Dame.  Only rarely does a genuinely diverse group of Catholics come together to name our wounds—with the goal of beginning to heal. Come hear this distinguished panel address the question: How can we heal the division and reestablish the virtues of solidarity, love, and humility at the heart of the Christian message?


Panelists included:  Most Rev. Daniel Flores, Bishop of Brownsville, TexasRev. John I. Jenkins, President, University of Notre DameJulie Hanlon Rubio, Professor of Moral Theology, St. Louis UniversityChristian Smith, Professor of Sociology, University of Notre DameMichael Sean Winters, Writer, National Catholic Reporter


Check out our 12 minute discussion video below.


Twitter: #UnaEcclesia


Our gratitude is due to the following sponsors:

  • Center on Religion and Culture, Fordham University
  • The Louisville Institute
  • Notre Dame Center for Ethics and Culture
  • Notre Dame Center for Social Concerns
  • Notre Dame Center for the Study of Religion and Society, Department of Sociology
  • Notre Dame Cushwa Center for the Study of American Catholicism
  • Notre Dame Institute for Scholarship in the Liberal Arts, Henkels Lecture Series
  • Our Sunday Visitor Institute


Plenary Panel Poster (3.1 MB)