Transformation: Creating an Exceptional Life in the Face of Cancer begins by walking you through the author’s unexpected journey through cancer. It then delves into how setting an intention to live can change the course of your survival. Finally, this book provides helpful strategies and opens the door to living an exceptional life after serious illness.

This book is my experience through cancer--how I survived it and created a full life afterward. It's both autobiographical and educational. It's an honest, revealing, and no-holds-barred description of my transformational journey to survival.

Often times, cancer survivors experience what's called "benefit finding." In other words, they receive an unexpected benefit of having gone through cancer treatment and coming out a survivor on the other side. Cancer made me face my worst fear, the fear of dying, head-on. In doing so, I gained the benefit of strength, courage, bravery, independence, and an insatiable thirst for living life to the fullest.


  • Set an intention to live and renew it every day
  • Get healthy in your relationships
  • Feed your body exceptional food
  • Find more time for yourself and your loved ones
  • Stay connected to others during an illness
  • Let go of your emotional repression
  • Conquer your fear of dying
  • Change your perceptions and attitude toward illness
  • Live with passion and purpose
  • Give yourself permission to start living life fully engaged

Taken together and practiced, these ten steps will transform your life and take you from stress and despair to joy and fulfillment.
"As Gale's life coach during one of the most difficult times of her life, I watched her transform into a confident, assertive, happy woman with a purpose. Gale took her new life skills and summoned her strength and courage to become her own health advocate. She empowered her voice in her health care decisions, and she made her self-care a number one priority. Gale is a champion and an inspiration. I highly recommend that you read Gale's book. You will be inspired and educated, all at the same time!" ~Janis Pullen

"The author shares her personal journey mixed with a variety of tools and insights on the spiritual journey that is taken when one is facing cancer. Gale discusses mindset, diet and exercise. She interviews a wide variety of experts in the book who support her practical tools for transformation in the face of the frightening diagnosis of cancer. Gale is warm, funny and inspiring as she shares her candid voice about the impact of cancer and the choices we face to transcend our fear and anger. Gale O'Brien is a powerful life coach for women who want to be able to look at their lives through a different perspective. She is thought-provoking and and practical. This book adds an important dimension to medical treatment and focuses on the emotional healing that is needed as part of the journey to wellness. Many people have said cancer was their "wake up call," Gale O'Brien is a catalyst who ignites the conscious awareness we all need to experience in order to understand our personal role in creating our health and well being." ~Kristen White

"Your book is a companion…like having a good friend along, egging one forward to believe for a bright tomorrow and encouraging others to intentionally configure their life to bring that about. One can easily see the depth and variety of research you put into your book, making it not only one that is encouraging but also overflowing with resources. Your efforts have a far-reaching potential to bless so many others.” ~Maria Fischer

"As I am presently going through breast cancer treatment, I found Gale's book to be a Godsend. It's peaceful yet honest point of view gives me hope that I, too, can be transformed after this diagnosis. I found this book gentle and nurturing, like a hot cup of tea on a cold day." ~Carmen Severino

"As a cancer survivor myself, I am very heartened by Gale’s positive approach and outlook to dealing with such a life threatening disease. Wish I had her book to guide me through the difficult time I experienced with prostate cancer. I would recommend this book for both men and women. The sincerity, compassion and optimism of her words ring true." ~Alfred Mascy

"Gale chronicles her life changing bout with cancer in an emotionally charged account infused with knowledge and experience that helped turn her outlook around from bewildered despair to focused determination. This is a book of inspiration, finding hope in a seemingly hopeless situation and practical information for anyone seeking help in dealing with cancer or dealing with someone who is afflicted with this horrible disease. Hats off to Gale O'Brien--a gifted author." ~Nancy Jill Thames

“If I were to be diagnosed with cancer, I would want Gale O’Brien at my side. If that were not possible, then I would have her book. In straightforward language and personal insight as a cancer survivor, Gale sensitively addressed her journey from diagnosis through treatment and all that she (and her body) learned along the way. It is a powerful story of learning, redefining, surviving, and sharing…and one every person should read whether they have cancer or not." ~Patricia Harrison
This book will Help You: 
​Don't miss this opportunity to finally live the life you were meant to live all along!


  • Resource Guide:  10 Practical Steps to Living an Exceptional Life
  • Free attendance at upcoming webinar for Online course: Creating an Exceptional Life After Cancer: A Step-By-Step Blueprint to Transform Your Life From Stress Despair to Joy and Fulfillment. This four module course includes interviews with renowned experts in the fields of health and wellness, psychology, spirituality, and transformational life coaching. 
  • Free 30-minute consultation with life coach Gale

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I was given many books to read at the beginning of my diagnosis. They were interesting but none of them actually explained in detail what cancer would feel like, look like, or be like as it was happening to you. My motivation for writing Transformation: Creating an Exceptional Life in the Face of Cancer began as outlet for my emotions, feelings, and thoughts as I was experiencing cancer. In the period of one year, October to September, my whole body went through a metamorphosis that could only be documented through words and photographs.

The process of watching my body change was both scary and fascinating. Even more intriguing was how my mind and my thinking changed on so many topics. I wrote this book to encourage patients, survivors, caregivers, and anyone encountering a serious illness to view disease as a phase to pass through with the hope of knowing that an exceptional life is waiting ahead.

What happens to you and your body every step of the way and how you can take a positive approach to your own survival.
Have you been recently diagnosed with cancer?

Are you asking yourself, "Is there life after cancer?"

Most people think you're done with cancer when the treatment is over and your hair grows back. But the truth is, that's just when the real work begins. You start to process everything you've been through. You brain and body start to play catch up and you're left to deal with grief, post-traumatic stress disorder, disconnectedness, fear of recurrence and more.

I've been there and I understand your pain.

In October 2012, I was diagnosed with cancer and my whole world turned upside down. Over the next two years, I endured four surgeries, five months of chemotherapy, six weeks of radiation therapy and three months of physical therapy in an effort to save my life. Nothing shakes up your life quite the way cancer can.

Instead of an earthquake, 
it felt like a giant "LIFE-QUAKE!"

Each of us has the ability to recover our life even when the unthinkable happens. It starts in our mind. When we decide in our mind that we want to heal, we begin the gradual process of making permanent changes and building our new life after cancer.

You can do it!

After you've completed all the conventional medical treatment, make a decision to set an intention to live. From that point forward, you will begin to process your grief and move into acceptance that you are forever more a survivor.

Are you ready to discover what's possible when you create an exceptional life?

My signature online course and life coaching program will transform your life from stress and despair to joy and fulfillment!

Gale O'Brien is an award-winning author, motivational speaker, life coach, and a wellness advocate. As a life coach, she empowers others to explore opportunities for creating a fully engaged life. Her coaching specialities include health & wellness, work/life balance, relationships, and cancer recovery. Gale has been certified through the World Coach Institute and is an approved coach and member of the International Coach Federation. Aside from being an avid reader, writer, artist, gardener, and world traveler, Gale enjoys spending her free time with family and friends. She lives in New Mexico where she is inspired by the people and the art culture of the Southwest.