Time and Place: An everyhawk

A runaway hawk on a bike


  • Jason Travis
  • 11:02 AM, May 7, 2015, Atlanta Beltline Eastside Trail between Ralph McGill Boulevard and North Avenue

I was walking the Atlanta Beltline’s Eastside Trail to shoot some new MailChimp billboards when I found out that a bunch of Atlanta mascots would be congregating nearby. As it turns out, the cartoonish collective was a photo op for Rise of the Rest, an entrepreneurial road trip organized by AOL co-founder Steve Case.

I sprinted down the trail, camera in hand. As the mascots started to arrive, I flailed my arms trying to wrangle them all into one spot. Eventually I had four of them gathered, but Harry the Hawk was nowhere to be found.

But then, off in the distance, we saw him. And he was trucking down the Beltline on someone’s bike! I only had a chance to snap one shot of him riding before it was time for the official photo op. That moment, on the Beltline, with the buildings behind him and the clear blue sky above, that was special. I like that’s he so determined, but also just an everyhawk of the city with the wind in his hair.