Killed by the Cold, Cold Havel

Back in December we reported on a sad incident that occurred in the Spandau district in Berlin, where a culture-enricher became angry at his native German girlfriend and threw her in the River Havel. He then made the mistake of jumping in after her to push her down to make sure she drowned, forgetting that he himself was unable to swim. His victim managed to swim to the bank and climb up a ladder, but her erstwhile boyfriend remained out there floundering in the icy water until emergency services personnel were able to pull him out.

Now, two months later, the unfortunate lad — who never regained consciousness — has succumbed to his injuries. This enricher is no more. He has ceased to be. Bereft of life, he rests in peace. He’s kicked the bucket. He’s shuffled off this mortal coil, rung down the curtain and joined the choir invisible. This is an ex-enricher.

Many thanks to Ava Lon for translating this article from the Berliner Kurier:

A 19-year-old is dead

Afghan wanted to drown his ex-girlfriend, but he couldn’t swim

by Philippe Debionne

Spandau — After a fight with his girlfriend, a 19-year-old went completely insane, and wanted to drown the girl in the river Havel. The 17-year-old was able to save herself, the perpetrator (a non-swimmer) sank in the icy water. And now he has passed away from the consequences.

On December 19th, according to the findings of the police, the asylum seeker from Afghanistan pushed his 17-year-old German girlfriend on Spandauer Bergwall into the Havel. Then he jumped behind and tried several times to push the young woman under the water — but failed. Instead, the 17-year-old managed to swim away and reach the safe shore. The savage had less luck: since he couldn’t swim, he sank in the — only 2° (36°F) — cold Havel.

The fire brigade and water police who were called to the site were able to pull the Afghan out of the water and revive him. He was then taken to the intensive care unit of the Virchow Clinic. Here he immediately fell into a coma.

Although two days after the fact, the man was — according to public prosecutor’s office — “still not responsive” and was still in a coma, nevertheless, an arrest warrant was issued against him “for attempted homicidal assault with low motives”.

On February 14, St. Valentine’s Day, the 19-year-old eventually died from the consequences of his evil deed, without ever having regained consciousness, as confirmed by the Senate justice administration on Friday.

His 17-year-old victim suffered from severe hypothermia following the attempted murder, but was otherwise uninjured.

43 thoughts on “Killed by the Cold, Cold Havel

  1. How can anyone doubt that there is justice? We only see it from time to time, but it most certainly exists!!

    • I don’t doubt that some humans have the concept of justice. But it’s a separate claim to say that it exists beyond our conception of it. I have the concept of a unicorn but I don’t believe they exist outside of my mind in the same way that other animals do.

      I don’t see any evidence of justice operating in this world. Random chance alone would create outcomes that would accidentally coincide with what I would consider a just outcome. If justice exists as a real thing beyond my imagination then God must exist.

      • I disagree with your assertion re justice, or its lack. If you have ever worked extensively with very young children, you can see it operative in their dealings with the world. There is something in human beings, born hardwired for socialization, that demands a just world.

        That doesn’t mean they get those needs met, or that the desire for justice doesn’t get twisted by the more powerful people raising them, but those failures and deficits do not make the inherent faculty any less operant. A child beaten into submission still says in his heart, “it’s not fair”. And he’s right. Growing up means learning the world is often not fair and then learning to work around that lack.

        • I agree with you that humans, and many animals too, are hardwired for things like socialization.
          For a species to survive it has to have instincts to take care of its young, look after each other etc. The species that didn’t have those instincts aren’t around any more.

          So certainly we’re going to see that instinct of treating people well, taking care of each other come out, even in children. But I’m not sure how that instinctive, survival behavior ties in with what I think of as justice. Perhaps I am thinking of justice in a different way than you are.

          I think of justice as deriving from a moral code of right and wrong that is independent of our biology, independent of our adaptive, social behavior which helps us survive. If it’s not more than that then I don’t know how we can criticize simple “survival of the fittest” or “might makes right” moral codes. Some tribes may have been kind and supportive of their own kin but horribly cruel and gruesome to their neighbors.

          For me justice would have to go past utilitarian goals of adaptation and survival of the group into the zone of behaviors which are morally right in and of themselves. They are morally right or wrong by a some higher standard. I can only imagine this standard coming from God.

          • There are experiments where people reject profitable deals (within the experiement, say some money) if they feel the deal is unfair all around.

            In fact, a sense of unfairness has been observed among apes as well. De Waal has written about it.

  2. >> “After a fight with his girlfriend, a 19-year-old went completely insane,…..”

    He didn’t go insane. It should read: “After a fight with his girlfriend, a 19-year-old defaulted to Islam………”

    • Indeed. Islamic seventh century tribal male supremacism cannot abide being countermanded by inferior, half-value, females “deficient in intelligence”, mere chattels, domestic animals. This is a “shame” to his “honor” (male supremacy), and has to be assuaged by killing.

      The fatal stabbing of the schoolgirl in Kandel is an example, as is the beheading of the Bridges TV wife who sought a divorce.

  3. Hey ! There was only 1 comment on this thread when I logged in a few minutes ago. How did Vera beat me to the punch by an hour, with her comment time-stamped 10:40? (1: 25 a.m. here , now; We have our own time zone, don’tcha know!)

  4. Good riddance! My only regret is the vast amount of tax payer’s money that must have been squandered on keeping him alive in intensive care for a couple of months! What a monumental waste!

  5. At first I thought this was going to be about Vaclav Havel having somehow returned and become an axe-murderer. Most uncharacteristic behavior! Then I remembered about the river.

  6. We have a saying: “What’s good for a Russian, then for a German – death.”
    (one man’s meat is another man’s poison)
    Now we can safely rephrase: “What is good for a German, then for an Afghan – death.”

  7. Surely his family in The Republic [Sump] of Afghanistan now prepare for a lawsuit against the girl, the police, firedepartment and hospital for not doing enough for this dear and loved one son …

  8. In the absence of a suitable sentence from the German legal system, the river Havel handed out some real justice… let’s just hope that the lady in question has now learnt her lesson, and stays well clear of similar “adventures” in future.

  9. Going tribal, GoV and commenters?

    If we can gloat about a man’s death we lower ourselves to the standards of the savage.

    There is much talk about judeo-christian values on these pages. Whatever has become of “Love the sinner – hate the sin”?

    • Amen, Ron Blum. Welcome to the First Sunday in Lent.

      Note that we only “gloat” when the would-be murderer has the tables turned on him. There is a human satisfaction to be found when we witness karmic justice. It’s hard-wired – i.e., we come out of the womb with it. It’s part of our innate need for being among others.

      Thus, in the Christian constitution, we see this Beatitude:

      Blessed are they who hunger and thirst for righteousness,
      for they shall be satisfied.

      In Scripture, “righteousness” is another word for “justice”.

      • Indeed. And what exactly is wrong with tribalism, Ron Blum? It served us well for 99% of our time as a species. Are you really saying that tribal peoples are savages?

        • It depends what you mean by “tribalism”, vera. As a classic “liberal” (European rather than American definition), I once thought I’d never say this, but prior to the colonial era, much of the planet was riven by hugely destructive tribal (and religious) wars, which the colonialists suppressed in the interests of trade; now that that era is largely over, some people have reverted to type, but with more destructive weapons, thanks to the technology of the West and the former Soviets.

          I suspect your meaning of “tribalism” encompasses the idea of the nation state, which has been hugely successful because of this idea, probably more so than even other factors such as the industrial revolution and the slave trade.

  10. “It’s hard-wired – i.e., we come out of the womb with it.”

    Exactly – but if we claim that for ourselves, don’t we owe it to our principle of intellectual honesty to admit that it is a universal tenet and that moslems can claim the same hard-wired principles of justice for their own actions of (perceived) justice against their adversaries?

    The gloating here smacks of images of palestinians dancing in the streets when the towers came down.

    • That kind of intellectual honesty will lose the war for us. Lest anyone forget, we are in a war with islam whether our leaders and elites want to admit it or not.

      As one who has actually been to Afghanistan and seen how they treat one another, and their barbarity and total disregard for the value of human life, I have a deep dislike for such scum and want to see them all ejected from the West. After such has been accomplished, and the war won, then we can worry about christian ethics.

    • Yes in principle this is a universal trait. But Islamic culture is so truly deformed that the idea of justice can be badly twisted in the individual.

      Take the Islamic practice of child sexual abuse; it’s a major factor in some of the horrific stories one sees coming out of, say, Sweden. Afghans boys (perhaps) get the worst of it, but none are immune. The desire for revenge is high.

      Nicolai Sennels is a psychologist in Denmark. Here is an excerpt of his experience:

      I conducted therapy with the Muslim and Danish inmates in both groups and individually: Individual therapy, Anger Management groups and Mindfulness training. During the hundreds of hours with both Danish (and a very small percentage of non-Muslim immigrants) and Muslim clients, a psychological profile of the Muslim culture became evident. We have to acknowledge the psychological differences between Muslims and Westerners if we want to understand the unsuccessful integration of Muslims in the West and its increasingly problematic consequences.

      Anger vs. weakness

      One very big difference between Muslims and Westerners concerns their views of anger. In our Western culture, anger is generally seen as a sign of weakness and lack of control and good style. Whoever experienced the embarrassment of expressing strong anger during, for example, family dinners or at work knows that it often takes time and a conscious effort to regain one’s lost respect. We in general see it as childish and immature if people use threats and aggressive behaviour to mark their dislikes and have things their way. Instead, we see peoples’ ability to use logical arguments, to compromise, to see the situation from our opponent’s side and their knowledge of the facts, and to remain calm when challenged as clear signs of strength and authenticity.

      My Muslim clients saw these normal Western social tools for negotiation during social conflicts as signs of weakness. They saw the lack of readiness to use threats and engage in a physical fight as a sign of fear. I spent countless hours working with the inmates” problematic relationship to violence. Most of the Danish clients knew that anger is a “bad feeling” and that in the end there is no excuse for using threats and violence when frustrated. This view was simply part of what they were raised to think by their parents and friends and the culture they were brought up in (though they did not always manage to follow that rule in their daily life).

      Practising Anger Management therapy with Muslim clients does not just involve reminding them of good style and the benefits of handling conflicts and frustrations peacefully: The term “cultural conversion” would be the best expression. It turned out that my Muslim clients saw the use of aggression as an accepted and even often expected behaviour in conflicts. If a person does not become aggressive when criticised or insecure, it is seen as a sign of weakness and lack of ability to defend oneself and one’s honour. In Muslim culture it is expected that one is willing to sacrifice one’s personal safety to protect one’s group or whatever one represents. If a member of the group is not able to do so, there will immediately be sown doubts as to whether that member can be trusted as a useful defender of the family, ethnic group, religion, territory, etc.

      The aggressiveness among Muslim men does not only show itself in the therapy room and crime statistics when comparing Muslim and non-Muslim offenders. In a recent study conducted by the Criminal Research Institute of Lower Saxony in Germany, scientists interviewed 45,000 teenagers of both Muslim and non-Muslim origin, and their conclusion was clear: “Boys growing up in religious Muslim families are more likely to be violent”.


      In the U.S., the widespread destruction of the black family via welfare culture turns fatherless children feral. We have our own row to hoe here and have to face the fact that the last two generations of urban black children are largely lost to us.

      Both groups are subject to the availability of cheap drugs as a means of escaping their ever-present dysphoria.

      • In regards only to the anger manifestation.

        Anger is a feeling that is normal. Anger has to be expressed when needed and not to be regulated. In the west expressing honest anger and displeasure with another human is frowned upon.As a result, the others are thought false defensive and posture of denial. Not good.

        If need be we should be angry and we should tell it as it is. Suppress the feeling and it will emerge in another place more powerful than before. Like a weed.

        • Anger. like any emotion, does have its place and utility (and also like any other emotion, can be inappropriate in certain circumstances and over or under used). But, as Mr Spock might suggest, anger needs to be subordinate to reason: we must use our thinking capacity (I would suggest) and wills to decide when or if to demonstrate anger, and in what manner.

          Consider a person stepping on our foot in a public place: our initial reaction is liable to be one of anger and our initial, unreasoned respose, might be to say something nasty to the offending individual (or worse). But if we step back (figuratively) for a moment and analyse the situation, we will probably decide to override and ignore that initial anger since we will use our reason to decide that it was highly likely that the person had “wronged” us by accident, and also that even if this was not the case, escalating the situation, would not be in our best interest. So we choose to repress the anger – and this is the healthy (and ethical) response, in my opinion.

  11. I don’t know if there’s an English equivalent, but over here we say “God’s mills mill slow” and “there’s water boiling for every swine” meaning every bad deed will be punished accordingly sooner or later – this time at least it was sooner and the “swine” in question was rendered unable to harm anyone else before his well deserved sentence.

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